-He confronts your weird habit

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You have a weird habit, like really weird on the third date Harry just thought you were nervous but every since the third grade, you carry around a plastic fork or spoon and chew on the end it's weird. it's not like you like the taste of plastic you just like gnawing on the plastic. after 3 or 4 months of dating Harry realized that it was bad habit and thought it was actually kind of cute how nervous you got, you still get nervous talking to him even after so long.

"Harry stop!" you whine, chewing on the plastic spoon.

"Sorry baby it's just so cute" he laughs, you frown.

"It's not" you whine.

"Are you getting mad?" he says.

"Your making fun of me" you whine.

"Oh baby i'm sorry" he whispers, kissing your head.

"Ok" you say, smiling.


This weird habit of yours is the reason you don't have many friends, it's the reason why for so long you were single for so long, why people look at you weird. you suck your thumb like all the time it's like a force of habit your sad.

suck your thumb


suck your thumb


suck yourr thumb


suck your thumb

ever since you were little, your parents tried everything to stop you the dipped your thumb in lemon juice, hot sauce, even in wasbi sauce but nothing stopped you. you now have less taste bud then a regular human but that doesn't matter. when you were in middle school you get teased HIgh school you got stuck with the name Baby Girl, even in your school year book under your name was Baby Girl; it strangely did not bother you. Now that your dating Liam you try to stop for the sake of the pictures but bad habits don't die so easily.

"Your not a baby anymore!" Liam says, you just look up at him through your lashes, your thumb in your mouth.

"Sorry! it's a bad habit!" you say, sitting on your hands.

"Bad habit my ass!" he says.

"Liam your seriously getting mad over this?" you say.

"Yes, it's embarassing walking around with you sometimes....." he says, you frown standing.

"Fine you don't have to walk around with me anymore i'll just leave you and your normal jack ass self alone" you say, stomping into your room slamming the door.

"Y/N! honey!" Liam yells, you lean against the door sticking your thumb in your mouth.


It's not your fault, i guess it's just the way you are you allways have to touch something you always have to have something in your hand, you have to either be playing with your hair or your shirt with your fingers and sometimes even your friends clothes and hair. they've gotten used to it because it's the way you cope with things if your not playing with something you get unfocused. your a fidgeter you have to be touching something when your getting talked down to by your parents, or your friends or your teachers you don't look them in the eyes you don't answer them you just play with the end of your shirt or your backpack or your fingers.

"Y/N! look at me" Niall says, you look at him hesitatly playing with the end of your shirt he grabs your hand and you look at him.

"Yes..." you say.

"Look at me please" he says, you stare down looking at everything but him tapping your foot.

"Sorry" you mumble.

"Princess look at me" he whispers, you look at him pulling your hands from his playing with your fingers looking up at Niall.

"Sorry..." you mumble, he chuckles.

"It's ok you can't help yourself.... but were you listening?" he says.

"Yes..." you say, bouncing your leg and biting your lip

"What do you say?" he says.

"Yes..." you say, he smiles leaning in and kissing you.


It isn't the worst thing to do, but it's still pretty weird your doctor says you shouldn't do it because it's messing up your mouth, but it comes almost automatically. you chew on the insdie of your mouth like it's food when you run your tongue over the scars it's weird but you can't stop it's bad for your mouth but you can't stop.

"Love" Louis says, you turn to him.

"Yes?" you say.

"Why do you chew on the inside of your mouth like that?" he says, you stop chewing.

"Ummm i don't really know" you say, he stares at you.

"Do you know how weird you are?" he says.

"I realize" you say, he smirks.

"I love you " he says.

"I love you too" you say.

"Now come gimme a kiss" he says, you lean kissing him hard on the lips.


Your a germaphobe it's not really a bad or weird habit it's just everything must be clean, you get home the first thing you do it clean the house.when Zayn gets home you clean, he gets undressed you wash his clothes, he brushes his teeth you clean the bathroom he takes a bath you clean the tub. He cooks dinner before you even touch the food you clean the dishes then the rest of the kitchen, then eat then re do the kitchen. Zayn is a little used to it, he's not the cleanest person and the boys definently aren't so that's why they don't come over often and you don't go over there houses because you will literally spend the whole time cleaning, you've been banned from certain resturants for cleaning the resturant going into the kitchen and doing the dishes.

"Um honey?" Zayn says, as you vaccume the floor.

"Yes?" you say, looking over at him sitting on the couch.

"Could you stop cleaning for one second? he says, you turn the vaccume off.

"Yes?" you say.

"Come sit down babe" he says, you sit down.

"Yes?" you say.

"You know how we talked about the future... and how someday we want the have babies soon?" he says.

"Yeah..." you say.

"Honey do you realize how dirty kids are and how much mess they make" he says, you stare at him realizing that's true. Kids are evil little mess makers.

"Ye-Yes...." you say.

"So are you sure because i am willing to wait forever for you babe..." Zayn says you grab onto your knee's.

"Ummm...." you say.

"Go Vaccume" he says, you jump up and start vaccumming again he only laughs.

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