-He Tells You How He Feels

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You're walking home in the snow, your hands are stuffed in your jacket and you just look at the snow fall beautifully from the sky. Harry is being unusually quiet he just kicks the snow and hums it's what he does when he is thinking of something.

"Y/N" He says, finally breaking the silence.

"Yes?" you say, looking over at him he stops walking making you stop in front of him.

"I like someone but I don't think she'll like me back I think that she thinks that I'm a big flirt... what I do?" he says, looking at you with his big green eyes.

"Well just be blunt don't beat around the bush just tell her and see what happens don't be afraid plus anyone would be lucky to date you Hazza" you say.

"Alright... Y/N" he says.

"Yeah?" you say.

"I really like you I've liked you for the longest time and I didn't know how to tell you because I thought you thought that I was a flirty jerk who didn't care about anyone but I'm not I care about you Y/N" Harry says.

"What...what really" You say.

"Yes Y/N I want to be with you" he says. Pulling you into his chest and kissing you hard with the lips with is cold lips.


He's sleeping over and he's sleeping next to you, he starts moving around waking you up you look at him and he turns to you still asleep so peaceful it makes you smile..

"Don't walk away" he mumbles, you look at him confused he's talking in his sleep he did this when he was nervous and you found it adorable.

"Lou?" you whisper.

"I'll admit it I like you very much Y/N" he mumbles, you blush.

"Lou" you whisper, he stirs awake his eyes fluttering open.

"Yes?" he mumbles.

"Do you like me?" you ask, his eyes go wide.

"Was I talking in my sleep?" he says, you nod laughing. "Do...do you like me back?" he says, you nod leaning in and kissing him on the nose.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" you say.

"I was afraid that you wouldn't like me back" he says.

"Of course I like you back Lou" you say, smiling.

"Great so we're dating?" he says.

"Take me on a date then we'll see what happens" you say, smiling he smiles back.


You're sitting on the couch reading a book and Liam walks in with another book, sitting at your feet you look up at him.

"What are you reading?" you ask.

"It's a book about two friends a boy and girl, the boy wants to be ore friends but he doesn't know how to tell the friend" he says.

"What is it called that sound good" you say, sitting on your legs and leaning in.

"My life story" he says, turning looking into your eyes.

"Who's it by?" you say.

"Liam Payne" he say, you look at him confused.

"What?" you say.

"Y/N I really like you more than friends and I want to be more than friends so do you want to try this dating thing?" he says, you smile.

"I wish you asked sooner" you say, leaning in and kissing him on the cheek.

"So you want to date" he says, happily.

"Yeah" he says.


He's drunk stumbling around your house bumping into things and breaking things, you help him to the couch and he sits down.

"Y/N!" he slurs.

"Yes Niall?" You say.

"I know who has a crush on you" he slurs, you sit at his fit and he looks at you drunk.

"Who Nialler?" you say.

"His name starts with N and ends with a L" he says, extending the L sound.

"Hmm let me guess..... Nathaniel?" you say, he laughs.

"No you dope it's me but shush don't tell me I told you" he whispers, your life.

"Well tell Niall that I like him back and I'd love to go on a date with him" you say, leaning in kissing him on the lips, he still has a bit of alcohol on his lips you pull away.

"I'll make sure to tell him" he mumbles.


Zayn slams the door angrily; you follow him into his living room.

"What the heck is wrong with you Zayn!" you yell.

"I don't ever want you talking to him again" Zayn yells.

"What why can't I" you say.

"I don't like you seeing him" he says.

"And why is that I like Zach" you say.

"Well I don't and I don't want any guy with you" he says.

"Why?" you say.

"Because your mine and nobody can kiss or hold you" he hisses, your jaw drops.

"Wha-what" you say.

"I like you Y/N" Zayn says, sighing loudly.

"You do" you say.

"I do and I'd like if you don't date anyone but me" he says.

"Ok" he says, smiling. 

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