Stockholm Syndrome (Part 2)

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You don't know how long its been but you don't really care. Your starting to get used to being in here, Harry doesn't turn the lights off anymore and you decorated the place more.
"Love are you awake?" Harry says, walking into the room. He sounds like he has been crying. You sit up instantly looking over at him.
"What is wrong?" You ask.
"Y/n, i have to let you go" he sniffles, sitting down next to you.
"What are you talking about Harry?" You say.
"Its been a 2 months y/n.... I don't even know why i am keeping you here anymore" he says.
"Cause you love me.... Cause i love you Harry i don't want to leave" you say.
"Don't you hate being down here?" Harry says.
"As long as i get to see you, i am fine" you whisper.
"Are you serious?" He whispers.
"As serious as i am going to get" you say, he leans in kissing you. his lips taste like salt but you kiss him anyway.
"HARRY WHERE ARE YOU MATE?" Someone yells, Harry pulls away.
"Shit.... I'll be back thats Liam" Harry says, standing leaving the room. you watch the door close behind him before falling back in the bed.
You wake up to a lot of cursing, you open your eyes and Harry isn't the only one in the room. standing with him are four other boys.
"Harry" you say, looking at him.
"Don't be afraid, they're friends" Harry says, sitting next to you.
"What are they doing here?" You whisper.
"They wanted to meet you.... i couldn't hide you forever i guess" he says.
"Hello.... I am Liam this is Louis, Zayn, and Niall" Liam says.
"Nice to meet you" you say.
"Do you know how long you've been down here?" Louis ask.
"About two months" you say.
"And your okay with it?" Niall says.
"As long as i am with Harry" you say, Harry smiles.
"So you really love her mate?" Liam says, looking at Harry.
"Yes with all my heart" Harry says.
"Then were okay" Zayn says, Harry smiles before hugging you.
"But you cant keep her down here, like flowers she needs sunlight and outside air" Liam says.
"She isn't a dog, Li" Louis says.
"Yeah she is a human being and needs to be treated like one, you love her enough to know she wont run" Liam says, Harry nods before standing
"Lets go then" Harry says, holding out his hand.
"Lets go" you say.

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