Stockholm Syndrome (Part 3)

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"Are you sure about this?" Harry says,

"I want them to know i am alive Haz..." I say.

"But... what if they ask questions..." He says.

"I have answers, come on" you say, taking his hand pulling him up the drive way. You knock on the door and it takes forever for your sister to open the door.

"Y/n?..... Oh my god Y/N" she screams, hugging you.

"Hey..." You say.

"Let me go get mom and call dad... And cute friend you have there" she says, before running off. You and Harry walked inside, you close the door. Your mother comes running at you and hugs you before you see her.

"My baby.... Your home" she cries.

"I'm home..." you cry.
"Tell us everything...." Your father says, you sit at the table with Harry, your sister, father and your mother.

"This is Harry..... My captor" you start, they gasp. You squeeze Harry's hand under the table.

"I don't understand.... Why are you with him?" Your mom cries.

"Because I am in love with him..." You say.

"Your what?" Your sister says.

"In love... And this isn't Stockholm Syndrome anymore... I love him..." You say.

"Sweet heart..." Your father says.

"Please don't take me away from him guys...." You say.
"You look beautiful, as always" Harry says.

"Thanks babe... Are you ready?" You say.

"As i'll ever be" he says, you open the door to the vegas chapel. Zayn and Louis stand on your side and Liam and Niall stand on Harry's.

"We are gathered here today to join y/n and Harry in marriage..." The priest starts.

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