- I Don't Like Him.

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"When is your friend going to get here" Louis groans, rather impatiently.

"Yeah I am starved" Harry adds on.

"Guys will you stop" You say, looking up from your phone and they groan like little kids, and go back to there phones.

"He is bringing his two friends" you say.

"He?" Louis says.

"Yes he Louis" I say.

"You didn't mention that he was a he y/n" he says.

"Yes I did babe you just never lsitens" you mumble.

"I do so listen!" Louis says.

"No you don't mate, she told us yesterday" Harry says, Louis shoots him a glare before sighing.

"Where did you meet this bloke again?" Louis says.

"Musical theater, actually his girlfriend introduced us" you say, putting emphasis on girlfriend. Then the door opens.

"Y/n?" Zayn says.

"Zayn!" You squeal, jumping up and running to him jumping in his arms. You haven't seen him since term ended a month ago.

"Hey girlie" he laughs, setting you down. Then Niall and Liam walk in and you give them hugs.

"Hey boys" You say.

"Hey y/n" they chirp. You turn back to Louis and Harry who are standing Louis glaring daggers at Zayn and Harry checking Niall out.

"Louis Harry, meet Zayn Malik, Liam Payne and Niall Horan" you say.

"Hi sweet stuff" Harry says, winking at Niall. Niall turns bright red, Louis grabs your wrist pulling you into the corner.

"I don't like him" Louis whispers.

"Why not?" You pout.

"I just don't, your mine" Louis pouts.

"He has a girlfriend Lou, I met her three times already and she isn't going anywhere" you say, before he can say anything else you kiss him on the lips pulling away he sighs nodding.

"So let's go eat yeah?" Zayn says.
You guys arrive at the restaurant a little place Louis took you on your first date, you love this place you get a booth and you and Louis are in the middle and Zayn is next to you and Harry is next to Louis and Niall sits next to Harry and Liam sits next to Zayn.

"I hope you guys like this place, I love it here" you say, snuggling up to Louis who embraces you.

"Probably will, you do have a good eye for food" Zayn says, looking over the menu you glance at Louis and see he is intensely staring at Zayn.

"So are you single?" Harry asks, Niall.

"Yes..." Niall says, blushing again.

"Interesting" Harry says.

"Down boy" Louis says.

"What?" Harry pouts.

"You just met the boy and your already trying to get in his pants, sorry mate he is a flirt" Louis says, you laugh and Harry rolls his eyes,

"How long have you guys known each other?" Zayn asks.

"Ive actually know Harry since pre school and then he introduce me to Louis freshman year of uni they had the same music class" you say.

"Your into music?" Niall says,s Harry nods smirking.

"Little Niall here is pretty beast on the guitar" Liam says, Harry smiles.

"Well maybe we can play together" Harry says.

"You play?" Niall says.

"No the only thing Harry here can pluck is his nose hairs" Louis says, everyone laughs.

"Sod off, I sing actually" Harry says,

"Alright serenade us" Zayn says.

"Well you've gotten him started" Louis says.

"Y/n" Harry says.

"Here is Harry Styles with his original piece Fools gold" you say. (A/N I know Harry might haven't written fools gold but in this he did)

"I'm like a crow on a wire You're the shining distraction that makes me fly, oh I'm like a boat on the water You're the rays on the waves that calm my mind Oh, every time But I know in my heart You're not a constant star And, yeah, I let you use me from the day that we first met But I'm not done yet Falling for your fool's gold And I knew that you turned it on for everyone you met But I don't regret Falling for your fool's gold" Harry sings, when he finishes. Everyone at the table and a few people from other tables clapped.

"You were amazing" Niall says, smiling.

"Thanks doll" Harry smirks, winking. The waitress comes and you order and then she takes your menus. You sit a dreadful silence.

"Your girlfriend is wonderful" Zayn says, breaking the silence.

"Thank you, I know that's why I love her" Louis says, pulling you closer.

"I wish Perrie would have come she would have loved this" Zayn says.

"How is Perrie" you ask.

"Begin Perrie I guess, she has been with the girls a lot lately" Zayn says.

"I can talk to you for her" you says.
"Thanks love" Zayn smiles.
After dinner you and Louis return to your flat Harry going home with Niall and Liam and Zayn going to there shared flat. You lie beside Louis in the bed, his arms wrapped around him.

"So?" You say.

"He isn't that bad" Louis mumbles.

"I knew you'd like him" you smirk.

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