Prank Call *Part 4*

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"Ruth Amber Payne-Malik! Get your little butt over here this instant" you yell, chasing after the naked baby.

"Got to catch me mommy!" She giggles.

"Ruth!" You groan. Zayn comes walking up the stairs scooping her up.

"Daddy no! Traitor!" She yells.

"You have to get dressed" he says, handing her to you. She pouts at her. "Don't be mad at me princess"

"Stop be a soft Zee, she's 3" you say, turning around and walking back to her room. You set her on the changing table and start getting her dressed.

"Are you okay?" Zayn says.

"Why wouldn't i?" You say. pulling the light punk shirt over Ruth's head.

"It is Liam's wedding..." He says, you sigh.

"I am fine Zee...." You say, pulling on the black overalls.

"You don't have to go" he says, you slip on her socks and set her on the floor before turning to Zayn.

"I already promised to come Zee.... and you know Ruth is going to freak out if i didn't come" you say.

"I mean Natalie and Lacey will be there" he says.

"Zee i'll be fine" you smile.
Ruth sits on your lap impatiently waiting. She wants so bad to get up and run to her dad aka Liam, but you hold her down.

"What's taking so long?" Ruth mutters, for a 3 year old she was very impatient and talked like an old person.

"Be Patient" you whisper, she groans resting her head on your chest. She wasn't very Happy that Liam was getting married.

"We're back" Natalie whispers, sliding in with Lacey and Brandon and Alexis.

"What took you so long?" You whisper.

"Alexis wanted to wash her hands 2 times" Lacey says. Alexis and Ruth decided to play on the bench, then the music starts. Lacey takes Alexis and you take Ruth and you stand.

"Finally!" Ruth groans, a little loudly because multiple look back and some are glaring. You shrug before looking up at Zayn laughing along with Harry. Sophia walks down the aisle in her beautiful dress she stops and Liam takes her hand and everyone sits down.

"We are gathered here today to join this two in holy matrimony...."
The reception was you at the bar with Lacey and Natalie and Ruth, Brandon and Alexis dancing with the boys.

"This sucks...." Lacey says.

"When can we leave?" Natalie says.

"We have to wait until one of the kids fall asleep" You state.

"Girls.... Why are you being Wallflowers?" Louis says.

"I hate weddings" Lacey states.

"Yeah, so awkward" Natalie says, you don't answer.

"Why do you hate weddings?" Louis ask.

"I don't know" Lacey shrugs.

"Because when we we're younger nobody wanted her to be the wife whenever we played wedding in the school yard" Natalie says.

"She was always maid of honor or Priest" you say.

"She cursed a wedding once, it was funny she doomed them to a loveless marriage" Natalie laughs, Lacey rolls her eyes finishing her drink.

"Well do you want to be my wife?" Louis says.

"What!" Lacey says.

"Want to get married?" He says, I start coughing and Natalie is laughing at Lacey's expression.

"Are you serious Louis!" Lacey says, loud enough to cause attention.

"More serious then i'll ever be" Louis says.

"Yes!" Lacey says, jumping from her seat into his arms.

"This is actually happening" Natalie says.

"He was so smooth" you whisper.

"Mommy, Papa... What's going on?" Alexis says, walking over followed by Lacey, Brandon, Niall and Harry.

"Louis just to marry her" Natalie says, as if they knew what she meant.

"Your serious?" Harry says.

"Oh my gosh! This actually happening boobear is getting married" Niall squeals, you smile at all the happiness.
"Mommy, Mommy!" Ruth yells, jumping on my back.

"Yes baby?" You groan, she jumps besides beside you. You roll over looking at her. Her long black hair was curly and in her face.

"Someone at door" she says, you nod climbing out of the bed picking her up walking to the door. You open the door to Liam and Sophia.

"Dada!" Ruth says, leaping from your arms. He catches her kissing the top of her head.

"Hey princess, ready to go?" He says.

"Yeah" she says, Liam decided to take Ruth with him on there honeymoon. Heavens knows why but they were going to disney world and he wanted to take his princess.

"I'll get her bags" you say, Liam hands Ruth to Sophia and they leave to the car. Liam follows you to her room where he helps get her bags.

"You okay?" He says.

"What?" You say.

"I mean you've been distant" he says.

I really freaking liked you and you get married

"No nothing" you shrug. You walk outside and pack Liam's car. Ruth already sitting in her seat. Sophia rolls down her window.

"Bye baby, have a good time" you say, kissing her.

"Bye mommy...." She says.

"See you later, y/n" Liam says, pulling you into a hug.

"Bye Liam"

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