-He calls you when he's drunk-

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“Y/N! Y/N! Y/N what are you wearing Y/N what are you wearing?!?”  Harry whispers.

“Harry is you drunk” you laugh.

“What are you wearing, what are you wearing!” he says.

“Pajamas” you say.

“Sexy!” he slurs, there a loud slam and crash.

“Bye Harry, I’m going to bed” you say.

“See you later sexy” he slurs, you laugh hanging up.


You’re making yourself a bowl of ice cream the boys took Niall out for boys night and he won’t be back for a while so your just watching movies, you walk back into the living room when someone calls you.

“Hello?” you say.

“Hi my princess” Niall slurs.

“Niall are you drunk” you laugh.

“No I am not” he says, with a drunken laugh.

“What do you want babe” you laugh.

“I want you in the bed” he says, you laugh.

“I’ll see you when you get home babe” you laugh.

“Bye sexy princess….”  He slurs, hanging up you laugh shaking your head and finishing you ice cream.


You wake up to your phone playing LWYY; you wake up grabbing your phone.

“Hello?” you groan.

“Y/N” Liam yells.

“Liam…what’s wrong?” you yawn.

“Are you asleep baby” he says.

“Are you drunk?” you say.

“What if I am?” he slurs; you hear a crash and laughing.

“Where are you Liam?” you ask.

“At the pub by Nialls house” he slurs, burping.

“I’m coming to get you” you say.

“But why?” he whines.

“Because you have worked in the morning your clearly drunk off your ass” you say.

“Alright see you baby…” he burps, then there another crash and more laughing you hang up shaking your head you get up putting on your vans, you leave.


You get from the shower when WMYB plays loudly from your room, you put on a robe and walk from the bathroom quickly getting your phone off your desk answering it.

“Yes?” you say.

“Baby, baby” Louis sings into the phone.

“Lou?” you say.

“Hey baby…” he says, happily.

“Lou is you drunk?” you say.

“Are you drunk!” he says.

“I asked you first” you say.

“Well I asked you second, and second is the best first is the worst” he slurs.

“Where are the boys?” you ask.

“There outside” he says.

“Where are you?” you ask.

“I am in the car” he laughs.

“You’re not driving are you?” you panic.

“No I locked dem from the car” he slurs.

“Louis open the car and let them in” you say.

“Why should I?” he says.

“Because I want them to drive you home” you say.

“Alright by baby” he whines.


You walk into your room and climb into bed crawling under the covers you take out your phone going on Instagram when Zayn calls you.

“Yes baby” you say.

“I want you…” he slurs.

“Zayn baby are you drunk” you smile.

“And what if I am!” he says.

“There nothing wrong” you say.

“What are you doing?” he slurs.

“I’m in bed, what are you doing” I say.

“Li…Li….Li… the bald guy is driving me home” he slurs, you laugh.

“Well tell him to hurry” you laugh.

“Alright…bald guy hurry up!” Zayn yells drunk.

“See you honey” you say, hanging up.

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