X-Living the life-X

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I walked into the house holding the bags, i hear loud thumping i walk upstairs slowly.

"Li" i say.

"Yes fuck yes yes yes" Liam moans.

"Yes daddy fuck me hard" a female voice says.

"Like that you little slut don't you like daddy's big dick?" Liam moans, being the idiot i am i walk slowly up to the door looking inside. to see Liam fucking some blonde bimbo into the mattress. i cover my mouth so i don't gasp our mutter a word. He thrust deeply in her and she moans loudly and kissing and biting on Liam's neck. I run down the hall and downstairs, running outside walking outside. i walk to the park sitting on the bench.

Liam and I have been distant lately, he's been out late but none of the boys are in town. He's been talking on the phone and never wants to snuggle or kiss anymore. I sit on the bench looking at the grass, i sigh running my fingers through my hair. after an hour i get up and leave the park walking home when i get there i go to the kitchen and start getting ice cream.

"Baby your home" Liam says, you don't look at him.

"Liam I'm leaving" i say.

"What?" he says.

"I'm leaving.... going to live somewhere else" i say, he turns me around.

"What are you talking?" he says.

"Clearly Li we've been drifting apart...." i say, he stares down at me.

"I-i don't understand" he says.

"Of course you don't.... i saw you Liam.. or should i say daddy..." I say.

"Oh god-" Liam starts.

"Li don't its fine i understand i couldn't give everything you wanted..." i say, turning around grabbing the ice cream.

"Please baby let me make it up to you"he says, i start laughing.

"You actually thought i was going to forgive you and we were going to fuck? no Liam no not after you stuck your penis in her!" i yell, pushing pass him.

"Sia!" he calls after me.

----- 2 years later

"Oh yes..." i moan, Harry thrusting into me slowly kissing my neck. I love Harry he was my shoulder to cry on and after a couple of months of emotionally healing, i finally put myself out there and after a drunken night i woke up with Harry. We still haven't told anyone that were together because the way they'd react. the bro code and all that crap.

"Fuck Sia your so sweet and tight" Harry moans.

"Harder Harry... pl-please" i moaned.

"Yes baby" he says, thrusting into my faster. Then there is a knock on the front door of our apartment. Harry groans sliding from me we get up and i put on a robe Harry sliding on some underwear.

"Lemme see who it is" Harry says, leaving the room i hear him open the door.

"Hey Hazza" Liam says

"Liam what are you doing here?" Harry says.

"I just wanted to talk to you dude" Liam says.

"I'm kind of busy Li" Harry says.

"Oh shit sorry dude... whose the lucky lady?" Liam says

"My girlfriend" Harry says.

"Who is she?" Liam says.

"Ummm it depends what if i ended up dating you know Sia... hypothetically of course" Harry says.

"I wouldn't care she left.... i love her still but i've moved on so she can too" he says.

"Then its Sia, see you tomorrow" Harry says, slamming the door. Harry walks back into the room.

"Where were we?" i say, smirking.

"I think you were screaming my name" he says, dropping his boxers. i drop my robe.

"Oh really" i say.

"Really" he says, smirking.


"Push! Push! Push" Harry yells.

"I'm mother fucking pushing!" i yell.

"Sorry baby..." Harry says.

"Fuckity fuck fuck get it out of me please!" i cry, Harry strokes my hair.

"Your doing good baby.... just push" harry says.

"God" i scream.

"Lucy come put your shoes on!" i yell.

"Ok mommy" Lucy yells, walking downstairs along with Harry who still fixes his tie.

"Were going to be late for there wedding!" i yell, pushing them outside.

"Calm down!" Harry says.

"Your Zayn's freaking best man we cant be late" i yell.

"Do you Zayn Malik take Liam Payne to have and to hold through sickness and wealth and to death due you part?" the priest says.

"I do" zayn says, i smile.

"And do you Liam Payne take Zayn Malik to have and to hold through sickness and wealth to death due you part?" the priest ask.

"I do" Liam says, i smile wider.

"Then with the power vested in me i pronounce you husband and husband you may not kiss the husband" the priest says, Zayn kisses Liam hard on the lips.

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