X-Phone Call-X

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"AND WE CAN'T STOP AND WE WON'T STOP WE RUN THINGS THINGS DON'T RUN WE DON'T TAKE NOTHING FROM NOBODY YEAHHH" my best friend sings, at the top of her lungs i laugh watching jump around the room.

"Calm down you?" i say.

"Never you have the best boyfriend in the world!" she yells, referring to Liam getting us Miley Cyrus tickets. she's crazy about her she said she'd go lesbian for Miley Cyrus it's funny i love Miley to but not like that.

"I know i do" i say, smirking she drops on the bed.

"Snooty much?" she says.

"Sorry" i laugh.

"So how are you and the payne in the neck?" she says, i laugh.

"Were fine, it's hard being away from him i think he only bought the tockets because he wants to cheer me up" i say.

"Well keep being upset and see what else he gives us... i mean you" she says.

"Gold Digger much?" i say.

"Hey it aint tricking if you got it" she says, falling back on the bed.

"I'm going to call him" i say.

"No don't!" she says, i frown.

"Why not?" i say.

"Because...... Just don't!" she says, i roll my eyes grabbing my phone and dialing his number his doesn't answer i shrug, throwing my phone on the bed.

-P.o.v of BTLISW (Bitch That Liam Is Sleeping With)-

"Let me wash up" Liam says, leaving the room i sigh falling back on the bed his phone starts ringing and i grab it, looking at his girlfriends face flash up on the screen i roll my eyes ignoring it. "Who was it?" he yells, from the bathroom.

"No one" i lie, with an evil smirk. turning down the caller vioce i call his girlfriend Liam walking into the room.

"Ready?" he says.

"Round two?" i say, smirking looking down at his phone to see if she answered.

She did.

-P.o.v of Charlie-

Liam calls me back, i pick my phone up pressing it to my ear

"Hello?" i say.

"Ready?' i hear Liam say.

"Round two?" a girl vioce says, i can't help but gasp.

"What?" Haley says, i put the phone on speaker.

"Come over here daddy" the vioce says, Haley covers her mouth. we hear the bed creak then start hearing grunts and soon loud moans, i hang up the phone throwing it at the wall.

"Oh baby" Haley says, pulling me into a hug i start crying into her shirt.

"He's cheating on me...." i sob.

"That ass hole... the tickets weren't i miss you presents.... there forgive me if you ever found out tickets... he was trying to get on my good side so i didn't rip his little head off!" Hayley hisses, i cry harder.

"Why...." i cry.

"Because he is a stupid blind bastard!" she says, rubbing my back.

"I loved him..." i cry.

"Well clearly he was taking your love for granted" she whispers, rubbing my back.

I cried the whole night and fell asleep with a sore throat


i woke up in the morning and barely could talk i sit at the breakfast table with Hayley she gives me a cup of orange juice.

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