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The boys were crying.
The crowd was crying.
You were crying.

Just last night, Zayn said that everything was going to be okay. He was going to be back in a month.

He lied.

You couldn't stop crying.
You couldn't breath.
But you knew, that if he stayed you wouldn't see his smile, hear his laugh, see him.

He wasn't happy with his life, and you knew if he stayed you'd be waking up in a world without Zayn Malik.
Niall still laughed sometimes.
Harry still jumped around stage like a monkey.
Louis still caused major havoc, and Liam was still the rock.

They just didn't have him, have the one person who completed.

"I'm Niall"
"I'm Louis"
"I'm Harry"
"Liam... And were One Direction"

It didn't sound right, nothing was going to sound right.

"We dedicate this next song to the best person in the world..." Harry says, no one had to say his name. Everyone already knew.

"Who's gonna be the first one to start the fight?
Who's gonna be the first one to fall asleep at night?
Who's gonna be the last one to drive away?
Who's gonna be the last one to forget this place?" They start.

It was there song.... The song they made together.

Bye Zayn, we love you and we'll miss you.

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