Ice Cream Shop -Marcel Story-

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You sit in your free period class that you spend in Ms. Gruffins room with you gay best friend, Leroy while he plays with your hair smacking on his gum loudy you try and read a book.

"Uh... is this Ms. Gruffins room..." someone says, all eyes shoot to the door i look up at a cute boy with a small smile on his face, his cheeks red. his hair slicked and combed a classic plaid vest white shirt, brown slacks and ugly shoes.

"Yes.... who are you?" Ms. Gruffins says, looking from her computer.

"I'm Marcel.... Marcel Styles i was told to come here" he says.

"By who this isn't even a class" Ms. Gruffins says, looking down at her computer agaim. Marcel shrugs his shoulders. taking a seat in front of you Leroy hits you in the back of the head and you turn glaring at him.

"What idiot"you hiss.

"Go talk to him dope" he says.

"Why don't you talk to him" you glare, he glares at you and then you turn tapping Marcel on the shoulder he turns his cheeks reds.

"Yes?" he says.

"I'm Y/N" you say.

"Hi...." he says.

"Ummmm where you from?" you say.

"Not anywhere here... my mother thought my old school was to bad for me and my father thought the academics sucked and he was right..." he says, his vioce sort of nasely to listen to.

"Oh really?" you say, he nods smiling showing off his dimples pretty much the only thing cute on his face besides his eyes.

"Hey i have a coupoun for ice cream with no one to share it with want to hang out after school" he says, Leroy hits your neck and you try not to glare at him.

"Sure no probelm" you say.

"I just have to go home first my mother hates when i hang out in my school clothes" he says.

"No probelm" you say, then the bell rings and everyone gets up Leroy holds your arm smiling.

"You have a date" he says.

"With a nerd" you mumble.

"Still counts and he doesn't look that bad" he mumbles.

"Really Leroy are you blind and deaf his vioce is like he has cotton balls stuck up his nose" i say, we both laugh.

"Just give him a chance he couldn't be that much of a loser" he says.

"Whater you say" you say.

You wait at the only ice cream shop in town sitting down outside lookign around waiting for him to show, it'll be really embarrassing if you get turned not espically by someone like Marcel. someone walks up to you stopping in front of you, you look up and have to do a double take standing there is Marcel with a black shirt, jeans boots his hair curly and a sexy ass smirk.

"Ready?" he says, his vioce deep and makes you melt, you see visible tattoos.

"You didn't leave your last school because of the acadimic did you" you ask.

"Got into to many fights..." he says, smirking.

"Why don't you dress like this in school your way more intimidating and scary" i say, he leans down your nose brushing.

"I don't want that i like suprises" he says.

"But your a big target for bulllying!" i say.

"I can take care of myself love" he says, my hear beat quickens. "Now lets get some ice cream, unless you should tell me more about things i already know" he says.

The next day at school leroy kept pressing you with questions that you didn't want to answer, when you saw Marcel he smirks at you giving you a wink which makes you want to faint.

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