-You call him when your drunk-

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“Hello?” he says.

“Harry!” you yell.

“Hey baby” he say.

“Harry guesses what” you slur a little.

“What?” he says.

“I’m drunk” you say, laughing.

“You are?” he says.

“Yes I had liked three of four drinks” you say.

“Baby… who is driving you home?” Harry says.

“I’m walking…” you say, and then you bump into someone who drops there drinks.

“No you’re not I’m coming to get you.

Bye!” you yell, hanging up.


“Hello?” Niall says.

“Irish baby!” you yell.

“Hey baby” Niall laughs.

“How’s my Irish baby!” you cooed.

“Your Irish baby is doing fine, how is my little princess?” he says.

“I’m Drunk with a capital dru” you slur.

“That’s nice are you having fun?” he says.

“Nope I want my Irish baby!” you whine.

“Alright your Irish baby is coming” he says.

“Yeah!” you cheer.


“Hello?” Liam says.

“Liam” you whisper.

“Why are you whispering baby” he says.

“Liam” you whisper.

“Yes?” he says, you shush him.

“Liam” you whisper again.

“Yes baby?” he whispers.

“I’m drunk” you whisper, and then you laugh.

“You are” he says.

“Yes I am but Liam” you whisper.

“Yes” he says.

“Liam” you whisper.

“Yes baby” he whispers.

“Don’t tell Liam, he doesn’t like it when I am drunk” you whisper.

“Sure thing” he says, with a laugh.


“Hello?” Louis says.

“Lewis!” you say.

“We’ve been over this it’s Louis” he says.

“Lewis” you say.

“Louis” he says.

“Lewis” you sing.

“Let me guess….  You’re drunk” he says.

“No” you say.

“Yes you are” he says.

“No” you say.

“Yes” he says.

“No” you say.

“Yes” he says.

“Alright maybe a little” you laugh.

“I’m coming to get you” he says.


“Y/N is that you?” Zayn says.

“Zayn I’m sorry for yelling at you” you slur.

“It’s ok baby where are you?” he says.

“I’m sorry doing be mad” you say.

“I’m not mad just tell me where you are” he says.

“Don’t be mad I’m sorry!” you slur.

“I’m not mad baby… I just want to know where you are” he says.

“You’re not mad?” you say.

“No I’m not” he says.

“Promise?” you say.

“Promise” he says.

“I’m at Da Park” you say.

“Don’t tell me you bought alcohol?” he says.

“Maybe” you say.

“I’m coming just don’t give the alcohol to anyone ok” he says.

“But the little kids look so thirsty” you slur.

“Just sit there I’m coming” he says.

“Ok” you say.

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