-How you met-

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You met at the first concert on the tour your friend and you snuck back stage and you were trying to hide and stumble in to a room.

“Someone in here” Harry says, you let out a scream hitting something and falling to the floor. “Are you ok, Love” Harry says, helping you up.

“Sorry I just didn’t want to get caught” you say.

“Well you did catch something” he says.

“What?” I say.

“You caught my eye” he says, with a wink.

“Corny much?” you say.


You met at the barns and noble you wanted to get more books and you wanted to get some books for your twin niece and nephew, you reaching to get the last book in a series your reading when another hand grabs it, you look at the culprit.

“Sorry did you want this?” Liam says.

“No it’s fine I can find it somewhere else” you say.

“Oh ok… I’m Liam” he says.

“I’m Y/N” you say, shaking his hand.

“You have a lot of kid’s books?” he says.

“Yeah my sister doesn’t like to buy books for my Niece and nephew” I say.

“That’s a shame” he says.

“Yeah” you say, smiling.


You met at McDonalds you were with your baby brother and his friends, they wanted McDonalds and they didn’t want anything else so you drove all the way over here with 5 screaming kids talking about chicken nuggets and French fries, you walk inside and tell the kids to take a seat in the booth they make the most noise and you get looks from annoyed adults you roll your eyes walking into the line and accidently bump into someone.

“Sorry” Niall says.

“It’s fine” you say.

“You came in with the five screaming kids?” he says.

“Yeah my mother left for work so I had to watch my little brother and his friends” you say.

“Hi I’m Niall” he says.

“Y/N” you say, he smiles.

“Pretty name… so can I join you because I have a feeling you don’t want to be left alone with a bunch of kids” he says.

“Sure” you say.


 Your drunk off your ass and you lost your ride, literally you can’t find your best friend or the car so your walking home more like stumbling but still. You get to a parking lot and see a bunch of boys laughing and drinking beer you stumble up to them and trip crashing to the floor but someone catches you.

“Are you alright Love?’ Zayn says.

“Have you seen my friend?” you slur.

“She’s drunk” someone laughs, Zayn helps you up and lifts you up bridal style.

“I can’t have you walking alone, I wouldn’t live with myself, see you later lads” he says, getting in the car he drives you to his house and lays you down on the couch.

In the morning you wake up with the massive headache, you look around at the unfamiliar house you get up walking around the house.

“Good morning love” Zayn says.

“Who the hell are you” you scream, he laughs.

“I’m Zayn and don’t worry we didn’t so anything” he laughs.

 “Hi I’m Y/N” you say, rubbing your head.


You’re at the park with your Niece’s they’re running around playing when someone sits next to you on the swings.

“Hi I’m Louis!” he says, you look at the cute boy.

“Hi I’m Y/N” you say.

“Cute name” he says, swinging back and forth.

“Thanks” you say.

“Y/N Y/N” Your little Niece Jazzy says.

“Yes?” you say.

“Who are you talking to” she says.

“Hi I’m Louis” Louis says.

“Lew-is” Jazzy says.

“No Lou-ie” Louis says.

“Hi Louis, Y/N likes boys with accents” Jazzy says, winking and running away. 

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