-You have nightmares about them

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Your in the corner and Harry is looming over you with a belt, smirking you shudder in fear.

"Hazz please no" you whimper.

"You've been a very bad girl" he says, his vioce husky and evil.

"Please" you scream, he whips you hard and you scream in pain.

"Don't.Be.A/Bad.Girl.Anymore.Got.It" he says, inbewteen whips.

"Got it, got it!" you cry


"Y/N! Y/N wake up baby your having a nightmare" Harry whispers,you shoot up into the dark room Harry holding you tightly. "Baby what's wrong?" Harry says.

"I had a nightmare" you whimper, lying next to himhe pulls you into his chest.

"It was only just a dream..." he whispers.

"Yeah...Just a dream..." you whimper.



You walk into your shared flat with Niall and your hear thumping and multiple moans, your heart breaks you check in the room and see Niall banging your best friend and your sister, your about to puke.

"Yeah...Yeah" Niall moans,and your best friend and sister moan like crazy you turn running but everyone room turns into the bed roomand then your trapped.


You spring up and Niall, your sister and best friend are looking at you worriedly.

"What's wrong baby?"Niall says, you wipe your eyes it was just s dream.

"I had a nightmare....that..... that you, you and you.... you know" i say, Niall turn pale and your sister and best friend started laughing.

"Why would you dream that?" Niall says.

"It was a nigtmare" i whimper, he pulls you into his lap.

"Don't worry i am here baby girl" he says.



Your walking into the house when your roughly pushed onto the wall, by Liam and he grabs your throat choking you.

"Liam i can't breath!" you whimper.

"Good..." he says.

"Li....Li" you gasp for air kicking and clawing but nothing works.

"Just die" he yells, you still gasp for air, tears streaming down your face.

"Li..." you gasp, one last time.


"Y/N are you ok, you keep ,mumbling my name" Liam says, walking into your room your hands fly to your neck.

"Nothing" you whimper.

"What's wrong, did you get bit?" Liam says, walking over and sitting on the bed and he removes your hands fromyour neck inpecting the your neck, he reaches up with his hand and you flnch away. "What's wrong?" he whispers.

"I had a dream..... a nightmare that.... that you were choking me until i died" you say, the last part in a whisper.

"What.... i would never" he says.

"I know" you say, he pulls you into a hug.

"Your alright now, Dream Liam is gone" he whispers.



Your chasing Zayn who is crying, he gets to a bridge with bricks around his ankles.

"Zayn please don't!" you cry.

"This is the best" he says, jumping you run to the edge and he's already sinking to the bottom you start sobbing, screaming for help.


"Babe, wake up your having a nightmare" Zayn says, shaking me awake you open your eyes and Zayn has a tooth brush in his hand his hair messy and is nothing but his boxers.

"Zayn!" you cry, hugging him he hugs back.

"What's wrong?" he says.

"I...I had a dream" you hiccup sobbing.

"About?" he says.

"You jumped....off....a....bridge with bricks tied around your ankles" you cry, he hold you tigther.

"Baby calm down, i'm here i'm here" he whispers.

"Don't....Leave....Me" you cry.

"I won't i promise" he whispers, then he holds you until you stop crying.



Louis was always so soft and gentle, but he's more forcing right now and it's hurting you, you whimper and cry in pain and beg him to stop but he doesn't listen he just continues to bang into you, painfully hard.

"No your my bitch" he hisses.

"Lou.... Lou it hurts" you whimper.

"Shut up whore" he yells, slamming into you you scream in pain.


"Y/N" Louis says.

"No..." you whimper.

"What's wrong baby?" he says, pulling you into a hug.

"You were so rough...." you whimper.

"What?" he says.

"In my dream...." you say, he chuckles.

"Did you like it?" he says.

"No not at all" you say.

"Poor baby" he whispers.

"You were calling me rude names" you whimper.

"Like?" he says, you lean whispering in his ear and he gasp.

"I would never" he says.

"I know" i say.

"How about i take you upstairs and show you how i do it right?" he says, you smirk nodding,

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