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Harry has been acting really weird all night what got into his boxers?

"I'm going to the bathroom" i say, he just looks at me then back down at his drink i roll my eyes walking to the bathroom. opening the door walking inside i fix my hair and washing my hands. i fix my hair one more  time walking from the bathroom back towards the bar, to see Harry locking lips with some girl. i walk up to him pushing the girl away. "What the hell Harry!" you yell.

"What?" he says.

"You ass hole why are you kissing her?" i yell.

"What you don't like that?" he says.

"Of course, you jackass" you yell, slapping him hard across the face walking to the exit, i walk towards the bus or to catch a cab.

"Mais!" Harry yell.

"Leave me alone" i yell, he grabs me by the arm pulling me back turning me around.

"I don't know why your mad!" he yells.

"Your kissing some skank in front of me!" i yell.

"Like your any better!" he yells.

"What is that supposed to mean?" i say, backing up from him.

"I saw the pictures... of you and that ass hole today kissing and hugging" he says, angrly. i can't help but laugh shaking my head.

"You dummy! that was my brother! he was visiting from america i misse him like hell i gave him a kiss on the cheek and we hugged! we were hanging out because i was telling him about you" i say, he stares at me.

"Are you serious" he says.

"Yes Harry...." you say, he stares at me then frowns

"Mais i am so so sooooo so sorry!" he yells, hugging me i chuckle.

"I forgive you curls" i whisper.

"I am so so sorry really i didn't know i swear!" he says.

"It's fine Harry... one more thing... i was going to tell you when we got home but i can't wait" i say, pushing away.

"What?" he says.

"I'm pregnant" i say.

"WHAT REALLY?" he yells.

"Yeah" i say, laughing he picks me up spinning me around.

"This is wonderful!" he yells, kissing my nose i laugh.

"Yeah" i say, he smashes his lips on mines.

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