Completely Mad

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"Want some tea" the boy with curly hair and a burnt top hat says.

"Where am I?" You ask.

"Did she just ask where she was? Like she didn't already know" a blonde boy, with little grey ears poking from his hair.

"Now Niall.... No need to be rude to our new friend" the boy says, smiling.

"Sorry Hatter" the blonde boy says.

"Who are you?" You ask.

"I am Harry but you can call me The Hatter... These are my friends Niall the mouse and Louis the cat" Harry says. You look around but only see the two boys.

"What boy?" You ask, Harry looks around before laughing.

"Louis come out, no reason to be rude" Harry says. Out of no where a boy wearing all purple with a long purple tail appears on the other side of the table. He has a big cheeky grin on his face.

"Oh Hatter, your no fun" the boy says. He appears behind Niall jumps forward hitting the table.

"Sod off" Niall squeals. His ears wiggled in fear making Louis smirk leaning down.

"You smell delightful Ni" Louis whispers.

"Louis leave Niall alone" Harry says.

"Whatever, who is the girl?" Louis says, looking at you.

"What is your name sweetheart? And how did you get here?" Harry says.

"I am uhm.... Y/N and I fell down a hole.... And I was following the rabbit guy and I made it to the castle..." You explain.

"Don't tell me he saw you" Niall says.

"Who?" You say.

"The king of hearts of course" Louis says, appearing next to you.

"And if he did?" You ask.

"Liam probably told and now he is on his way.... " Niall says.

"What's the matter?" You question.

"The king of hearts and I ..... Aren't the best of friends" Harry says.

"You slept with the queen, you mad twit" Louis mutters, you feel over whelmed so you sit down sucking in a breath looking at your surroundings.

"This is a dream... This has to be a dream...." You mumble. Harry reaches over pinching you. You jump looking at him.

"Owe..." You mumble.

"This isn't a dream then..." Harry smiles.

"Then I've gone mad" you say, they all laugh.

"We're all mad down here" Louis says, with a smile taking a seat at the other side if the table. There is a break in the branches and you turn two people appear one is the bunny you followed and the other is a handsome king.

"Zayn, nice to see you again" Harry says.

"We want the girl...." The king says.

"You have no jurisdiction" Niall says, standing up then climbing up on the chair cause he is really short.

"I am your king and I want the girl?" Zayn says.

"King..." Liam the bunny boy says. They keep talking and then you stand the table shakes so everyone looks at you.

"I am not some object... I just want to go home or wake up... Please" You say, they all look you before looking at each other.

"How did you get down here?" Niall says.

"I am went down the rabbit hole...." You say. They all look at you.

" Then go back up the hole"

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