-Bad News

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You sit in the doctor office; sitting next to Harry, his arms wrapped around your waist your face in his neck.

“Harry, Y/N we have some bad news” the doctor says, walking into the room.

“What’s wrong?”  Harry says.

“Miss Y/N, you’re not able to have kids” the doctor says, you’re shocked and Harry hugs you tighter. “We’re sorry” the doctor says.


You sit in the police office my knee’s bouncing the police officer walks into the room sitting in front of us.

“Mr. and Mrs. Payne we’re sorry to tell you that daughter was found dead” the police say, you cover your mouth sadly looking down tears streaming down your face.

”Where is she?” Liam says.

“We’re doing an autopsy now” the police say. “We’re sorry” he says.


You sit in the hospital bed, Zayn holding you tightly you just had a miscarriage Zayn just holds you in his arms rocking you silently.

“Baby everything going to be alright” Zayn whispers.

“Why us? Why me?” You whisper crying in his chest.

“Everything going to be fine” Zayn whispers, stroking your hair.


You and Louis stand beside the bed of your 16 year old son, he’s heart monitor beeping slowly he got into a car crash with a couple of drunk friends.

“Mr. & Mrs. Tomlinson we’re sorry we have to tell you this but your son isn’t going to make it” the doctor says, you hide you face in Louis chest.

“Is there anything we can do?” Louis says, holding you tightly.

“The best thing to do is pull the plug” the doctor says, you let out a sob.

“Do it…” Louis says, he turn hugging you tightly.


You sit in the hospital bed Niall behind you, your head resting on his chest kissing your head every 2 minutes.

“We have some bad news” the doctor says.

“What?” Niall says.

“Y/N you have stage 3 breast cancers…. Even if we treated you now….it wouldn’t help” the doctor says, Niall pulls you in his arm kissing you on the cheek. “We’re sorry” the doctor says.

“How long does she have?” Niall whispers, pain clear in his voice but he’s trying to hold it in.

“5 months” the doctor says.

“Will she be able to have the baby” Niall says.

“We don’t know yet” the doctor says, Niall tightens his hug kissing you on the top of your head. 

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