X-Me or Him-X

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You try walking fast through the crowd trying to get away from Zayn and Roland. both furious and both looking for you and you weren't about to let them find you. you run down a hall and walk into an empty room closing the door locking it with a sigh.

"Y/N i know your in there open the door now!" Zayn says, angrily.

"Your mad...." i mumble.

"Out here now" he growls, you unlock the door opening the door he stands there angrily looking at you. he pushes you inside the room closing the door and locking it. "Your in big trouble Y/N" he says, you look down at the floor.

"Sorry" you mumble.

"No sorries, you explain yourself now why were you with him?!?!" he yells, you look up at him.

"You were angry and i needed to talk" you say.

"So you talk to your Ex.. you guys kissed" he says.

"By accident" you say.

"Y/n i want this answer now... its me or him choose!" he yells, his fist clenched his jaw tensed his eyes staring into your soul.

"I choose... you" you say, he sighs smiling.

"I'd know you'd choose right" he says.

"Then why did you make me?" You say, he walks over you grabbing your waist pulling you into his chest.

"Because i wanted to know how much you loved me" he whispers.

"Forever and always baby" you whisper.

"I know now, forever and always" he whispers, kissing you you kiss back.

"And please stop being mad your scary, not as scary as Harry but scaring" you whisper.

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