Stockholm Syndrom (Mini Series)

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You wake up in the same cellar as you were yesterday, you look across the room where your captors usually leave breakfast. But nothing sat there just empty like the rest of the room you throw off the covers throwing your legs off the bed. Your legs tugging on the chain hooked to the wall, a heavy padlock locked around your ankle.

"Hello?" Your voice dry. The door opens and light streams in, you cover your eyes.

"Your awake" the voice says, the same voice you've listened to for weeks.

"Hello?" You mumble again.

"You must be hungry sorry" the voice says.

"Yeah...." You say, in a creepy way you were glad he was here he walks into the room closing the door.

"Here.... Sorry I have guest over" he says, handing you a plate you start to eat.

"Its okay" you mumble, you never see his face but you can tell by his xvoice he is nice. It just doesn't make sense why he would do this.

"Why are you doing this?" you ask, you cant see his face very well but you know that he is staring at you.

"I need you to be here.... I need companionship and I saw you... All alone... And I knee you were the one" he says.

"Then why not come and talk to me ? Why did you kidnap me?" You say.

"You don't understand, if I would have you would have hated maybe even more the you do now" he says.

"I never said I hated you, I am just confused" you mumble.

"You don't hate me?" He says.

"Everyone has reasons, now I am confused and don't like being locked up but you don't seem like someone who is going to kill me" you say, he says nothing then you feel soft lips on your lips and your heart flutters.

"HARRY WHERE DID YOU GO MATE?" A voice yells, he pulls away.

"I have to go" he whispers, he leaves opening and closing the door behind him. You press your fingers to your lifts, still burning from the kiss. You finish your food and then wait for what seems like hours for him to come back.


His name is so beautiful, are you going crazy ? Are you really falling for your captor ? The door opens and he walks in closing the door behind him. You hear his foots steps and then you feel him hovering over you.

"Your awake?" He whispers, his breath smells like mints and coffee.

"Yes...." You whisper. He kisses you again eagerly sucking in your bottom lip, he bites your lip pulling away. "I-I want to see you, please" you say.

"You can't not now..." He says.

"Harry.... Please" you say, his name was like candy in your mouth and so foreign.

"Okay." He moves away and the lights flutter on your blinded for a moment from being in the dark so long. You sit up looking at him.

Gorgeous. He was beautiful he had long curly brown hair he pulled back and he wore black pants and a loose sheer black shirt.

"Your..." You start.

"Hideous.... I know" he says, your jaw drops.

"What!" You say.

"I am a monster" he mumbles.

"Your gorgeous.... What are you talking about" you say.

"I may be gorgeous on the outside, but I am a monster on the inside" he says, walking slowly to the bed sitting down.

"How tell me" you say.

"Well for first, I kidnapped you... You family and friends are probably worried sick and I killed my best mate" he says, looking down.

"H-how" you say.

"I was drunk, it was raining.... He told me he could drive but I ignored him... We crashed and he died on impact... It should have been me! Not him!" Harry cries, you stare at him.

"Don't beat yourself up like that... Things happen that isn't murder..... To be honest I felt the same way once, I begged and pleaded for my dad to go get me ice cream and pizza and he didn't want to, it was raining but he went anyway. That night the police came and said that he got into a car crash, a towing truck without its lights on.

"Oh wow" harry says.

"I blamed myself, I thought that if he didn't go he would still be alive...." You say, your eyes watering.

"That wasn't your fault!" He says.

"So was your friends death Harry! It was an accident! Your not a monster" you say, he stares at you.

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