-They catch you reading Imagines/Preferences

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"Y/N baby what are you doing?"Harry says, you turn around in the desk.

"Nothing..." you lie.

"What are you reading there?" he says, he pushes you aside reading the screen and then a huge smirk comes across his face.

"You dirty little girl" he says.

"Harry let me explain" you say, sitting up.

"Oh Harry, Harder Harder Y/N moans" Harry reads, laughing.

"Harry!" You says.

"Just like that" Harry laughs, you pout at him as he scans through the rest of the story.


"Princess" Niall says, walking in on you sleeping on the couch with your phone in your hand. he takes the phone from your hand. "He thrust into you deeper..." he reads, you instantly wakes up.

"Niall!" you say, grabbing your phone.

"That's what you read when i'm not home?" he says, smirking.

"Niall let me explain" you say, he leans down smirking.

"I can do everything in that story but better" he whispers, smirking,


"Y/N!" Liam yells, you drop you book walking into the room at Liam sitting in front of the computer reading Wattpad.

"Li..." you say.

"Mind telling me what this is?" Liam says, turning to you.

"Just stories...." you say.

"Just stories......." he says.

"Yes.." you says.

"So me fucking you sensless is just stories?" he says.

"Please Liam..." you say.

"No we're going to talk about this now" he says.


"Y/N Y/N Y/N what you reading?" he says.

"Nothing" you say, holding your phone to your chest.

"Let me see!" he says, tickling you and grabbing the phone reading it. "Whoa...." he reads.

"Louis" you say, not looking at him.

"Oh yes Louis, i like it like that" Louis reads outloud you look at him smirking and reading.

"Lou stop please" you say.

"This is interesting" he says, smirking.

"No..." i say.

"I'd love to try this stuff out" he says, winking.


You're reading a Zayn prefence on the computer and Zayn sneaks behind you and reads what you're reading.

"HOly...." he says,you sherik turning around lkooking at him smirking at you.

"Zayn" you begin.

"You're reading dirty stories about me.... don'tyou get enough of me already?" he says, smikring.

"Yes but no at the same time Zayn" you say.

"Tell me,, i could do anything" he says.

"Anything really" you say,smirking.

"You're horny off the story aren't you" he says, smirking.

"Maybe you say smirking" you say, smirking.

One Direction Preferences/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now