X-Love Not War-X

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"You bitch!" Harry yells, slapping me i fall to the ground holding my cheek. 

"Harry...." you gasp.

"Mommy......Daddy! what did you do you monster!!! I hate you, you hurt mommy" Darcy says, you turn looking at your 10 year old daughter.

"Darcy" you mumble, she runs over to you hugging you, Harry looks at you guys.

"Dar-" Harry starts.

"No you hurt mommy, i hate you forever daddy!" Darcy yells, Harry's face goes red and he falls to his knee's crying.

"I'm sorry, i'm so so so sorry Mais.... So sorry i don't know what happened" Harry cries, I look at him crying and I get up crawling over to him.

"Ha-"i say.

"No mommy, don't go near him he hit you and that isn't right" Darcy says, pulling you back.

"Darcy honey, daddy didn't mean it i swear...." i say.

"Your just saying that i watch a lot of movies mommy..." darcy says.

"Darc.... i'm positive..." i say, turning Harry and pulling him into a hug he starts sobbing on my shirt.

"I'm sorry.... i'm so so sorry...." he cries, like a baby and that's how you know he means it.

"It's ok Harry" you whisper, rubbing his back.

"Sorry...." he cries, sniffling sitting up you wipe his eyes Darcy crawls over to us.

"Daddy i'm sorry i made you cry... i didn't mean what i said... i love you Daddy!" Darcy says, now she's crying falling into his arms he strokes his hair.

"I'm sorry that i did it baby girl... i love you too" Harry says, she cries on his shirt.

"I'm sorry daddy i love you" Darcy cries, i chuckle looking at me two babies.

"I love you guys" you say, leaning in kissing Harry's forehead and Darcys head.

"Love you too mommmy!" Darcy says, wiping her eyes.

"Stop crying please" i say, hugging him.

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