-You tell him you're pregnant-

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Your lying in bed next Harry, he’s on his phone as usual you’re afraid to tell him but he’s going to find out eventually and you have to tell him.

“Harry…” you say.

“Yeah babe” he says, putting down his phone and turning to him you turn on your side looking at him.

“I’m pregnant” you say, he smiles.

“Really!” he says.

“Yeah!” you say, happily. He brings you in a hug tightly holding you and rubbing your stomach.

“This is great” Harry says, happily.


You’re at the park and swinging on the swings Louis sitting on the swing next to you, you rest your head on the metal rope.

“Lou…” You say, rocking back and forth from your heels.

“Yes?” he says.

“I’m pregnant” you say, he jumps up standing in front of you.

“Really?” he says.

“Yes I found out yesterday” you say, with a small smile.

“This is great I’m going to be a daddy!” he says, smiling you smile and he leans down kissing you hard on the lips, helping you up and hugging you.


You finish making Niall a sandwich and walk into the living room sitting down next to Niall giving him the sandwich he brings your feet to his lap.

“Baby” you say.

“Yes?” he says, eating his sandwich.

“I’m pregnant” you say, he spits out his sandwich.

“You’re what?” he says.

“Pregnant” you say, he puts down the plate turning to you he brings you on his lap kissing your cheeks.

“That’s great baby” he says, you smile relief feels you he brings you chin down kissing you on the lips.


Your walk into the room Liam on his laptop you sit next to him he closes his laptop and looks at you smiling.

“Hey baby” he says.

“Hey” you say.

“I found something interesting in the trash in the bathroom….” He says, you clench your jaw.

“What?” you say.

“Oh nothing just a positive pregnancy test, is there anything you would like to tell me love?” he says.

“Actually I was just about to tell you but you beat me to it” you say.

“You’re pregnant?” he says, you nod and he smiles bringing you into his lap nuzzling your neck.  “This is great baby” he says, rubbing your stomach slowly.


You walk into the house after coming from the doctors.

“Love is that you?” Zayn yells from the living room.

“Yes… Zayn we have to talk” you say, walking into living room.

“About what love?” he says, looking up at you.

“Zayn I’m pregnant” you say, he jumps up.

“What….” He says.

“I’m pregnant I found out yesterday but confirmed it today, I’m pregnant” you say, he frowns falling onto the couch.

“This can’t happen Y/N not now! My life is too complicated for this” he says, you frown.

“So you don’t want this baby…” you say.

“Y/N I love you with all my heart but I can’t have this baby…. Not when my life is hell” he says, you frown.

“Fine Zayn you won’t have to deal with a baby… you don’t have to deal with me either” you say, turning and walking up to the room.

“Y/N” he calls. You ignore him and start packing your bags wiping away tears you turn and he’s standing in the doorway. “Please don’t leave” he says, you shake your head.

“No you’ve made it clear that you don’t want this baby….” You say.

“Y/N” he says, you zip up the bag.

“You want me I come with the baby Zayn simple as that…” you say, he frowns looking down you push passes him. “I’ll send someone for my things” you say, leaving. 

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