- Storms

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"I think i am falling for you" you say, he stares at me before sighing.

"Do not fall for people like me, I will take you to museums, and parks, and monuments, and kiss you in every beautiful place , so that you can never go back to them without tasting me, like blood in your mouth. I will destroy you in the most beautiful way and when I leave you will finally understand, why storms are named after people" he says, stroking your hair behind your ear before kissing your forehead and walking away.
"Why storms are named after people!" Your best friend says.

"Yeah...." you mumble.

"Who is this guy!" She yells.

"Louis Tomlinson, the most beautiful person in the world...." You mumble.

"Louis William Tomlinson?" Your friend says.

"Yeah...." You sigh, she frowns rubbing your back.

"He is so perfect" she says.

"Don't you think i know that!" You groan, rolling over onto your back.

"I am sorry babe..... I wish i could help you" she says.

"How can i get over him?" You mumble.

"Go out with someone else...." She says.
Oh if it was only that easy, you sit in the bleachers drawing the landscape. Your eyes fall on the field and see Louise all shirtless and sweaty playing footie with his friends. Girls stand at the side cheering with barely anything on and it just made you jealous, so you continued to draw.

"Louis!" One of the girls says, you look up just a glance and see Louis staring at the girl before rolling his eyes and looking up at you, you look down ignoring the knot in your stomach. You finish drawing and get up leaving.


!" Louis says.

"Hey..." you say.

"My practice is over, want to go get something to eat?" Louis says, you turn.

"As friends?" You say, his smile falters a little before he nods.

"As friends" he says.

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