- He's angry

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He says that you should know why he's angry, but you honestly don't so you sit in the living room eating popcorn and watching Frozen for the hundreth time. He shuffles into the room arms crossed lips pouted like a little three year old, you don't pay any mind.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" you say, not looking at him you see him shake his head from the corner of your eye, you sigh sitting up and he plops down next to you. "I can't apologize if i don't know what i did Hazza" you say, looking at him he looks at you and the sighs.

"You forgot...." he says, you gasp dropping the popcorn.

Holy corn puffs!

You forgot your 5 year anniversary!

This is bad, like killer bad.

"Oh my god Harry! I am so so so so so so so so so so so so soooo sorry babe! Lemme make it up to you" you say, standing front of him.

"How?" he says.

"Leave that to me" you say, smiling.


Liam hasn't talked to you all morning, you don't know why but you have a dew ideas in your head.

1. Something happened with the boys.

2. Management

3. You did something you just can't remember

4. You came back late last night, from clubbing with your friends for your best friends birthday and Liam was worried sick as always.

You walk into the kitchen and see him staring down at the paper, glaring at it like the paper commited a crime he sips his cup which is filled with either coffee or tea and doesn't even notice that you there. you sit down next to him staring at him.

"Li?" you mumble, he doesn't look up just flips to the next page which means he's level 6 angry meaning he won't talk to you. "Li what did i do? tell me why your angry babe?" you say, he finally looks up at you and you honestly wish you didn't because the look he gave you made you want to turn into stone and shatter agaisnt the kitchen floor.

"Who was he?" Liam says.

"Who was...' then you stop and smirk, trying not to laugh. "You mean Joshua?" you say, Liam pouts.

"Who is he, are you sleeping with him?" Liam says; that makes you laugh.

"That's why your mad? because you thought i slept with Joshua?" you say, he nods. "Well i didn't because he's married, with 3 kids i've known him since like high school and he came with us to the club" you answer, he sighs.

"Good...." he says, smiling you shake your head.


You sit in your closet, your safe heaven for when Niall is level 10 angry he's throwing things around but not saying anything, you don't know what you did to get him this angry but your going to wait to for him to calm down. You finally here him sit down and that's when you crawl out seeing the state your room was in your glad you stayed in the closet you stand walking over to Niall sitting on the bed, his arms crosssed not looking at you.

"Niall..." you say, he doesn't look at you.

"When were you going to tell me?" he says.

"Tell you what?" you say, he looks at you.

"That your carrying my child..." he says, you gasp.

"Niall I" you start.

"Shouldn't i be the first to know? not Salina, Not Kaitlyn and sure as hell not Harry! Me" he yells, standing you gulp air.

"Niall i didn't know how to tell you, i was scared of your reaction honestly" you say.

"My reactuon you wouldn't of known usless you told me! why was i the last to know when i knocked you up in the first place!" Niall says.

"Because i was scared you wouldn't want to baby" you say, he stares at you.

"Wh-What" he says.

"I..... i was scared you wouldn't want to baby" you say, looking down he stare at you.

"Why would you ever think that? i love you Y/n and i love the baby growing inside of you forever and always and i can't believe that you'd think for even a second otherwise" he says, you look back up at him.

"Sorry" you mumble, he leans down kissing you on the head.


"WHERE ARE MY FREAKING OREOS!" Zayn yells, the oreo in your mouth drops into your lap as you go into panic mode you stuff the box into the couch, and brush the crumbs off wiping your face. you sit back down and Zayn stomps into the living room. "Where are my oreos Y/N?" he says, you swollow shrugging.

"I don't know" you mumble, he stares at you.

"Up" he commands, you stand up looking down at the floor. he slowly walks over to you then grabs your chin moving it up so your looking at him. "Open your mouth" he says, you shake your head. "Open your mouth Y/N" he says, you pout and open it and then he sighs. "You ate my oreos?" he questions.

"Sorry" you mumble.

"Y/N you know better then to eat my oreos!" he says.

"BUt there so good and your being selfish keeping them for yourself" you defend.

"Then buy your own!" he says.

"Why would i buy my own when they''re was a perfectly good package in the cabinet" you say, he stares at you then smirks.

"Fine.... but now your getting punished" he says, lifting you up.

"NO ZAYN, NO LET ME DOWN!" you yell, as he carries you to your bed room.


Louis is angry.

scratch that Louis is pissed off.

He may have accidently walked in on you reading Larry fan fiction, now he likes the bromance but he doesn't like it when you believe in it because you get either jealous or insecure about your realtionship and he doesn't like that.

"Louis...." you say, he just sits in bed staring at the wall his legs propped on the pillow you crawl over to him. "Lou please don't be mad" you say.

"Why shouldn't i?" he says.

"Because you love me unconditionally, even if i'm iscure" you say.

"That's true.... but you shoujldn't be iscure because your beautiful and your wonderfull and your everything i've ever wanted and that's never going to change!" he says.

"I know that Lou...." you say, he pulls you onto his lap.

"so shouldn't you be happy?" he whispers.

"I am happy, i am beyond happy Lou, i am on clooud everytime you touch me" you whisper.

"Good" he says, kissing your neck.


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