Happy Birthday (Request)

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requested a Zayn and since its his birthday i mean why not.
-P.o.v Zayn-
I walk into my flat hoping that Nur'Aniyah had just made a dinner and were just going to snuggle and watch a movie.

"Nur'Aniyah?" I question.

"Zayn" she calls from our room. I close the front door locking it before walking to our room, opening the door and dropping my bags. Nur'Aniyah sits on our bed in nothing but her tight batgirl outfit.

"Shit..." I mumble.

"Happy Birthday Zaynie.... come here so i can give you your present" she says, i quickly take my shoes off walking over to the bed. i climb on the bed and she pushes me down on my back, straddling me.

"Nur'Aniyah.... Fuck you look hot" i say, she smirks.

"Only for you babe.... now are we going to keep talking or are we going to start?" She says.

"L-lets start" i mumble. She smiles before taking my shirt off and then starts to unbuckle my pants. "F-faster come on babe"

"Be patient babe" Nur'Aniyah whispers. Before kissing the line of my boxes slowly pulling them down, blowing her cold breathe on my hardening length. I bite my lip closing my eyes as she slowly takes hold of my length and starts jacking me off.

"Babe....ugh i want you now" i groan, looking at her. she smirks before she starts undressing. I bite the inside of my cheek watching her pull the tight suite off of her perfect body.

"You ready baby?" She whispers, i nod eagerly. she climbs over me hovering over my length before she slowly, i throw my head back moaning loudly. Bucking up to make it go fast but she manages to still sink down slowly. Until she is sitting on my lap. "Now are you going to be a patient boy?" She says, i bite my lip nodding.

"Yes god yes.... just....ugh" i moan, she giggles before she starts moving. She starts slow then goes faster and faster until i am a moaning mess underneath her. I look up her, her eyes closed biting her lip. "Nur'Aniyah" i moan, throwing my head back.

"Yes babe" she moans.

"I am almost there" i moan, bucking up.

"God Zayn.... go..." she moans, and thats all i need. i release into her moaning loudly. She climbs off of me falling to the side.

"God i love you" i sigh.

"I love you too. Happy 22 birthday babe" she whispers, kissing me.
HAPPY 22 BIRTHDAY, to the god we deemed Zayn Malik. 22 years and 9 months ago Yeaser and Patricia did the dirty and in resulted in the most fantastic thing on earth !!! Love you Zayn.

Oh and Nur'Aniyah how'd you like it? And if any you guys want me to write you anything just request.

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