-He's Your Teacher

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You sit chewing in your pencil waiting for the bell to ring. while everyone is talking and being friendly your just waiting to leave this class.

And its not that you hate this class, Its just your teacher... Words cant explain how attractive he is, with his chestnut brow curly hair and his cheeky dimply smile. On top of all that he has the most amazing green eyes in the world your pretty sure he is a ladies mans, and if he isn't its there lost.

"Uh Y/N ?" Mr. Styles says, you look up into the beautiful emerald eyes like running through a sea if grass.

"Yes sir?" You question, your throat becoming extremely dry.

"I need to speak with you after class" he says.

Well Damn....

"Ok no problem" you say, he nods walking away you feel as if your going to faint. The bell finally rings but you cant leave instead you stay in your seat and wait for Mr. Styles to say something, after the last student leaves he closes the door and turns towards you.

"Y/N how old do you think i am ?" He asks.

"At least 25 sir" you say.

"25? Try 21 graduated high school early went straight to teaching" he says.

"O-ok" you mumble.

"How old are you Y/N?" He asks.

"18" you answer, he smirks walking over and leaning really close.

"Id lose my job, but i really want to kiss you.... Can i ?" He asks.


Mr. Horan shows you the cord again but you get frustrated and set your guitar down.

"I suck" you mumble.

"No you don't" Mr. Horan says.

"I do, we've been doing the same song for a week and i still cant get it" you say.

"You just need to try harder" he says.

"I am trying!" You mumble, nods taking the guitar standing helping you up.

"How about we take a break?" He says, you shrug.

"Sure...." You mumble.

"Can i tell you something personal?" He says.

"Yeah what?" You say.

"I used to suck at the guitar" he says.

"Oh really?" You say.

"I almost quit but quitters never win" he says.

"Fine i will try but i wont like it" you mumble, he chuckles.

"Good" he says.


"Left hook, right hook" Mr. Payne yells, you follow through backing away taking a breath.

"Can i take a break, i think i am going to pass out" you breath, looking over at him standing shirtless and buff he nods and you walk over getting your water bottle. You sit down opening the bottle and guzzling the water down, Mr. Payne walks over to you sitting down.

"So hows school?" He asks.

"Good..." You mumble.

"Is that guy still messing with you?" Mr. Payne asks. Ricky Moralez he use to harass you thats why you started boxing for self defense.

"Not anymore" you mumble.

"Good"Mr. Payne says.

"Thanks Mr. Payne, for everything" you say.

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