Prank Call (Mini Series)

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Not a continuation, but hope you like.
"I am soooo bored" Lacey whines

"What should we do?" You say.

"Order pizza and watch a movie?" Natalie says.

"No we always do that...." Lacey says.

"Then what?" You say, A creepy smile grows on Lacey's face she jumps off the bean bag and onto your bed pulling out her cell phone.

"Prank calls" she smiles.

"Who are we going to call?" Natalie says.

"And how are we going to get these peoples numbers?" You say.

"Easy... We just type random numbers until someone picks it up and then Y/N is going to say something funny" Lacey says.

"Why me?" You say.

"We're already using my phone and plus Natalie is a bit shy for prank calls, she almost fainted getting pizza from the delivery guy" Lacey says, you didn't try to argue any longer, you grab Lacey phone dial *69 then type in 4446794565.

"Whose number is that?" Natalie says.

"I don't know i saw it on the internet" you shrug, you put the phone on speaker. When it starts ringing Lacey grabs a pillow to hide her face and Natalie covers her mouth with her hand.

"Hello?" Someone with a British accent says.

"Hello and to whom am i speaking too?" You say, in your best Business man accent.

"Liam.Liam Payne" the voice says, you almost drop your phone you look at Lacey and Natalie and they both look at you wide eyed. "Hello?" He says.

"S-sorry.... I am... I am uhh... Dr. Pepperridge...." You start again, clearing your throat.

"Hello sir, how can I help you?" Liam says.

"Uh.... The test results are in" you say.

"Test results?" Liam says.

"Test results !!" Lacey says.

"Yes... Yes test results and uhm.... Oh god i am so sorry this is a misdial" you say.

"What? Who is this?" Liam says.

"A girl who very sorry...." You say.

"How'd you get this number?" Liam says.

"I saw it on the internet.... I am sorry..... Me and my friends were just bored didn't mean to bother" you say.

"Don't bring us into this" Lacey says, standing up and dragging a half concuss Natalie from the room.

"Love you too Lace" you whisper yell.

"Look its fine...... Believe it or not things like this happen all the time" Liam says.

"Okay.... I will never bother you again" you say.

"Wait.... What's your name?" He says.

"Uh.... Y/N..." You say,

"How about I get you tickets to come see A concert... You and your friends or course" Liam says.

"That would be fantastic" you say.

"Alright what's your address?" He says.

"We live in a dorm just send it to WestWard University, Girls dorm 55" you say.

"Alright" he says.
"I cannot believe this is happening" Lacey says, you and her have been waiting at the mailboxes for days, waiting for the mail.

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