-How He Kisses You

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He makes you wait for it, when you want it the most when he leans in then hovers close to your lightly brushing against your lips when you get frustrated that's when he kisses you with a smirk on his face.


He gives you little pecks and then a long lasting one on your lips, leaving you breathes.


He's rough and doesn't like to take it easy , he pushes you down roughly and smashes his lips on you roughly, when he pulls away he has you begging for more.


He kisses whenever he has a chance he kisses you sweetly and slowly pulling away when you want more with a big smile on his cute Irish face.


He's loves playing with you, so he kisses you everywhere then where you want to be kissed then he kisses you closer and closer to your mouth laughing as you beg for him just kiss you then he plants a shirt sweet kiss. 

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