Purple and Blue -Part Two-

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"Ma'am" I open my eyes stretching out turning the bus driver.

"Sorry" I mumble, fixing my clothes and leave. I get off the bus walking through the bus station. I walk to a payphone to call my mom and call Zayn. I call Zayn first.


"Zayn" I say.

"Iris! What is happening where are you?!" Zayn yells.

"Zayn calm down, I am okay" I say.

"Liam came this morning, he was looking for you.... He looked pretty upset..." Zayn says.

"What did you tell him?" I say.

"I told him that I didn't know where you were" Zayn says.

"Okay... I'll call you when I am somewhere safe" I tell him. I decide not to call my mom because that's the second place Liam would go, then my father. Liam hates my brother so he'd never go there so I call him.

"Hello?" Tobias says.

"Tobi, I need you to come and pick me up" I say.

"From where are you?" He says.

"I am at the bus station close to moms house, please... I'll explain everything later" I say.

"Okay... Well I'll send Louis he is already out" Tobias says hanging up. I remember Louis he was Tobias best friend since before I can remember. I wait at the bus station and when Louis arrives I climb in.

"Iris! I haven't seen you in forever" he says, hugging me.

I've told Tobias and Louis everything. Louis stands angrily in the kitchen doorway.

"How could Zayn let this happen?" Tobias says, keeping in his anger.

"Zayn doesn't know..." i say.

"Why didn't you tell Zayn!" Tobias yells, I shrink.

"Tobi" Louis says.

"Sorry Iris..." Tobias pulls me into a hug, and I cried.

"You can't let him find me" I whisper.

"He won't find you... I promise" he whispers.
I stayed with Tobias and Louis, I took there guest room. It's been a month and i've only contacted Zayn. If I try to contact Harry or Sophia I am scared he would find out.

"Good morning sunshine" Louis says.

"Good morning" I whisper, setting down plates.

"Tobias went to the gym?" Louis questions.

"Yeah..." i say, sitting with Louis and we eat in silence.

"This is great"

"Thanks" Liam never complimented my cooking.

"You look wonderful today... What are doing today?" Louis says.

Liam never complimented me.


"Want to hang out with me for the day?" Louis ask.

"O-okay" I say. I spend the rest of the day with Louis, we go to the store, then go out to eat and then he takes me to the movies.

"You have something..." Louis wipes my mouth of chocolate. My face heats up and I pull away.


"Your so cute..." he smiles, his smile is goofy.

Louis was everything Liam wasn't.
Everything Liam should have been.

"You look so cute in that dress" Liam says.

"Thanks your so sweet to me" I smile, he pulls me into his chest kissing me.

"I love you Iris... And I am going to tell you that everyday for the rest or our lives..." Liam whispers.

"I love you too Liam..."

"Iris?" Louis says, I am crying now. He holds me close to his chest, rubbing my back.

"He said he loved me.... He said he would always love me" I cry. Louis and I stand there and he just lets me cry. M

"He doesn't deserve you... He never did" Louis whispers.
"There you guys are... What were you doing all day?" Tobias says.

"Things" Louis says.

"Louis are you making moves on my baby sister?" Tobias says, Louis grows red.

"Tobi!" I groan.
The next day Louis had work and Tobias had to run some errands so I was at the house alone. Someone knocks on the door, I open it and Liam stands at the door.

"Oh... What a surprise" Liam says.

"Liam..." I whisper.

"I've been looking every fucking where for you" he says, I step back and he walks inside.

"Liam" I whimper.

"Oh when we get home..."


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