You Catch Him With Your Best Friend ( Part 6?)

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You've fully gotten over Harry, but it still hearts when you see him and his daughter.

That could be you.

You ignore the pain and move on with your life, you get a better job and move out of your brothers house into a nice apartment.

It's time to start your life.

"Y/N? Hey" Harry says.

"Hey" you smile, putting down the folded shirt you were holding.

"How is everything?" He says.

"Fine... Everything is fine, how about on your end?" You say

"Peachy" He says

"Good for you.... See you later" you smile, before leaving.

Today is you and Harry's Anniversary, 2 years you've been together. You don't say anything to Harry when he invites Liam anniversary party.

"Hey, don't you look beautiful" Harry says, kissing your temples.

"Thanks babe" you mumble.

"Everything okay?" He says.

"Nothing... just can't believe it's beeb two years" you say, with a smile.

"She is so beautiful" Louis says, holding your daughter in his arms.

"She has your eyes" you smile.

"And your gorgeous face" he smiles.

"She is going to be like a little female you" you laugh.

"Going to have to hit the boys away with a stick" Louis says.

"I love you Louis" you say.

"Love you too..." He says, smiling at you.

"Mommy, Daddy wake up!" Winter yells, jumping on the bed.

"Oh god, whats wrong" you groan.

"It's my first day of school come on!" She says.

"Oh right..." You yawn, rolling over looking at Winter pull at Zayn's hair.

"Make her stop..." Zayn whines.

"Up up daddy, your supposed to help with my outfit!" Winter yells, then she starts kissing his face.

"I'm up!" He says grabbing her and picking her up, leaving the room.

"I'll start on breakfast" you yell after them, you get out of bed holding your swollen stomach waddling out of the room.

••Niall (Don don daaaahh)-

"Have you finished packing Leo's bag?" You say, walking into the room. Harry sits on the floor Leo's suitcase on the floor.

"I don't understand why Niall can't come here to drop Katy off, why do we have to go and get her" Harry groans.

"He wants to make it as complicated as possible, plus Katy wants to spend her birthday with her friends" you say.

"Double digits yah" Harry says.

"It's only two days Har, and then Katy is spending the summer with us okay?" You say, you get Leo from his crib.

"Yeah yeah..." Harry mumbles.

"You don't have to talk to him you know" you say.

"I know... But he says one thing, i swear to god" harry says, stopping himself.

"Well hurry up Liam, Louis and Zayn are already at the airport" you say, leaving the room with Leo.
"Mommy!" Katy says, hugging you.

"Hey baby girl" you smile hugging her.

"Hey Uncle Harry, Zayn, Liam and Louis" Katy says.

"Hey Katy" Liam, Louis, and Harry.

"Hey Katy Cat" Zayn says.

"Come on my friends are already here" Katy says, grabbing your hand and puling you inside. Katy joins her party again and you guys just form into the crowd of the adults setting out presents and everything , Katy runs back over to you.

"Where is your daddy?" You ask.

"He went to buy the cake" Katy says, you nod.

"Okay..." You say.

"Where is Leo?" She says, you gesture over to Zayn holding Leo bouncing him softly, Katy runs over to her two favorite people beside yourself and Harry.

"Where is Niall?" Harry says.

"Apparently went to get the cake" you shrug.

"Hello you must be y/n, Katy's mother... Hi i am Justine her therapist" someone says.

"Therapist? When did Katy start seeing a Therapist?" You say.

"Mr. Horan didn't inform you?" She says,

"No, no he didn't..." You say.
"Why didn't you tell me our daughter was seeing a therapist?" You say, once you get Niall alone in the kitchen.

"It wasn't that important" Niall says.

"Not important? I think i should still know Niall!" You say.

"Y\N please not here" he says.

"Whatever Niall" you say, leaving the kitchen and rejoining the party. You catch your ex-best friend holding a baby of her own.

"Everything okay?" Harry whispers, walking over to you holding Leo.

"Everything is fine" you say.

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