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"Raven you have a message" my laptop rings, i groan putting down my notebook and getting up dragging my feet to my desk. I sit at my desk lulling up my message board where my friends decided to post a shit ton of links and all that other crap, i should really turn off my notifications and introduce my friends to twitter and Tumblr. I click the link to a website my friend said i should see.


Is the first thing that pops up, after laughing for 5 minutes i click yes.


After laughing for another 5 minutes, i get a drink of water and go back to my message board. My friend said she didn't actually try it, but since i am like a tester that's why she sent it to me. I go back to the tab and click Build-A-Boyfriend and it takes me to what looks like The Sims. I start with his hair feathery and brown like my little brothers, bright blue eyes, cheek bones like Angelina Jolie, tall.

And if i may say i put a good length, if you know what i mean, i put his birthday the day before Christmas like mine. Last they ask to give my boyfriend a name and age, i liked older men don't judge so i put 23 not that much older than me.

"Your boyfriend will arrive in 5 to 6 business days, please enter address" my computer rings i enter my address and turn my laptop off before climbing back into bed and grabbing my notebook.

The next day like most days i woke up to an empty house, the only thing my parents left was waffles, eggs and bacon. I sit in the living room watching my morning cartoons while eating my breakfast. Then i clean the house and take a nap in the living room. I wake up to someone knocking on the door i get up opening the door, standing there is my boyfriend, that i made yesterday night.

"That was fast" i mumble.

"Good morning love" he says, i scream jumping back.

"You can talk!" i scream.

"Of course i can" he says, with a smile.

"You're almost real...." I mumble he furrows his brows.

"Am i not real?" he says, he looked confused and it was so got darn adorable i grab his hand pulling him inside, closing the door.

"Of course your real babe, are you hungry Louis?" i ask, he smile.

"Yeah" he says. I make another breakfast and then sit at the table with Louis watching him as he eats. I reach brushing his hair from his face he looks up with his bright blue eyes.

"Your real" i whisper, he smiles. After he finishes i clean the dishes and take him in the living room where we watch TV. He sits down on the couch and i attempt to see further away until he grabs my wrist pulling me down next to me, wrapping an around my shoulder.

"I think your beautiful Raven" he whispers, my heart flutters.

"Th-Thanks" i mumble.

"Can i kiss you?" he says, i look up at him and before i could say anything he smashes his lips on mine, his lips so soft and nice, i couldn't help but kiss back. He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. He flips us around so he is on top of me, and pulls away. "I want to be the best boyfriend you ever had" he whispers.

-The next day-

I wake up to loud banging on my front door; i lift up looking over at Louis still sound asleep like a baby. I climb out of bed putting on my pajamas pants. I leave my room walking downstairs opening the door to my friends, Liam, Harry, Perrie and Sophia.

"Good morning sleepy head, we've been calling and texting all morning" Harry says.

"Good morning guys, sorry i was up all night watching movies" i mumble.

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