-You make him jealous

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 You just had a fight with Harry and you left the bar walking onto the dance floor, you grab a random guy and start grinding and dancing on him, he grabs your waist grinding you butt into his hand on you look up Harry looking over at you guys angrily. You turn around facing the guy and you kiss under his ear rolling your hips, when someone grabs your arm pulling you back.

“Back off” Harry barks at the guy, the guy walks away Harry turns you around grabbing your waist, “Your mine and all mine” he hisses.

“Prove it” you say, he leans in.

“When we get home, you’re being punished” he says, squeezing you butt you yipped trying to jump away and he pulls you back.


 You walk away from Liam angrily, and walk to another table sitting down with a bunch of boys.

“Hey boys” you say.

“Hey cute stuff, what brings you over here?” a cute boy says.

“Nothing” you say, flipping your hair and batting your eyes. You glance back at Liam who is staring at you drinking his coffee.

“Is that your boy?” a guy says.

“Yeah he was being rude so I’m making him jealous” you say.

“Alright come here” the guy says, standing up I walk over to the guy and I sit in his lap and he wraps his arms around my waist. “This will drive his crazy” the guy whispers, I laugh.

“Y/N” Liam says, stomping over to me.

“Yes Liam?” you say, he grabs your wrist lifting you up.

“We’re leaving” he says, pulling you from the café he pulls you into the chest. “I don’t want you ever doing that again, your mine only mine got that!” he says.

“Whatever you say” you say, he smashes his lips onto yours.


Your hanging out with the boys and Zayn is giving you the silent treatment, so you decided to make him jealous with Harry’s help the boys know what you’re doing just not Zayn. You crawl over and sit in Harry’s lap, you start playing with his curls.

“I just love your curls Harry” You say, Zayn looks over at you and Harry you smirk looking at Harry and play with his curls.

“Y/N you smell so good” Harry says, leaning in and smelling your neck making you giggle. Zayn’s jaw clenches you sit up a little and sniff the crook of Harry’s neck.

“You smell good too Harry” you say, you adjust your seating in his lap playing with his curls, when he wraps his arms around your waist that’s when Zayn stands up walking to you grabbing you and throwing you over his shoulder.

“You’re coming with me Y/N” Zayn says, leaving the living room he takes you to your room setting you down and closing the door. “Stay away from Harry, from now on” Zayn says.

“Why shoulder I” you say, he grabs your waist.

“Because you mine” he says, leaning in and kissing you.


You get off the phone with your older brother who’s leaving for America and won’t be back for a while; Louis walks in angrily and sits down next to you.

“What’s wrong baby?”  You ask.

“Who was that you were on the phone with?” he says, clearly jealous you laugh and he frowns not catching the joke.

“That was my brother, he’s leaving for America” I laugh.

“Oh what” he says.

“You we’re jealous weren’t you Tomlinson?” you laugh.

“No I just don’t want anyone taking away my girl” he says.

“Your girl?” you say, he pulls you into his lap kissing your forehead.

“Yeah my girl” he whispers.


“Niall I don’t know why your angry at me just tell me please!” You yell, Niall looks away from you crossing his arms you groan getting up and walking to your room falling on your bed. You hear walking.

“Who were you with this afternoon?” he says, you sit up looking at him.

“Harry why?” you say.

“What were you and Harry doing?” he says.

“Nothing….” You lie, the truth is you and Harry were getting Niall a birthday present.

“Don’t lie to me Y/N” he says, you frown getting up and digging under the bed you pull out the small box throwing is at him.

“There” you say.

“What is it?” He says, opening it to a necklace with your name on it. “Y/N…” he says.

“You we’re jealous, weren’t you?” you say, smiling.

“Yeah…” he says, you jump up running over to him kissing his cheek.

“I would never cheat on you, Nialler I love you” you says.

“I love you too princess” he says, kissing you.


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And um give me more ideas


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