Scared -Short Story

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In this Harry is a raging alcholic, he drinks and then he starts fights with you and the boys when you try to stop him you don't know what to do anymore because now your afraid that he could hurt you or even worst your daughter....


He's been drinking, a lot you've said something that made him upset and now he's pissed leaning against the counter one hand stabling him the other hand holding a fresh bottle of beer.

"You can't tell me what to do" he slurs.

"Harry you've had to much" you says, walking up him he swings and you jump back.

"I know what i've had!" he yells, you stare at him.

"Harry" you say.

"Don't tell me what to do" he says, throwing the bottle you duck and the bottle smashes behind yourself shattering to the floor.

"Mommy? Daddy?" Kristen says, walking into the kitchen rubbing her eyes.

"Oh baby why are you up"  you say, walking over to her picking her.

"Go back to bed" Harry slurs.

"What's wrong with daddy?" she whispers

"Nothing he's just tired" you whisper, taking her back down the hall to her room tucking her in tight, closing the door when your slammed against the wall both his fist next to your head, you turn to Harry.

"You've been a real bitch lately, telling me what to do I AM THE MAN OF THE HOUSE ME!" he yells.

"OK Harry... Kristen is trying to sleep" you whisper.

"I AM THE MAN ME..... YOU LISTEN TO ME GOT THAT" he yells, you nod and he turns leaving walking down the hall leaving the house, and slamming the door making everything shakes, you slide down the wall putting your head in your hands.


"I don't know what to do anymore" you sniffle.

"You have to leave him Y/N.... you and Kristen are in danger every second your in that house" Perrie says, Eleanor nodding in agreement.

"I can't leave him guys it isn't that simple..." you say.

"It is.... everyday he's getting closer and closer to hitting you.... to hurting you... what if that bottle last night hit you Y/N? What if Kristen walked in to you lying on the ground bruised and then he hurt her" Eleanor says, you wipe your eyes.

"He wouldn't hurt her, he would never hurt her" you say.

"You don't know that Y/N.... when he has alchol in his system he could do anything...." Eleanor says.

"You have to leave, you can stay with Zayn and i; for a while until you find your own place but your not staying in that house and it's final" Perrie says; you sigh, noding.

"Alright" i say.

"I'll call Zayn, and set up your room" she says, standing and Eleanor scoots over to me wrapping her arms around my shoulder.

"Everything is going to be ok" she whispers, but does she know for sure.


"Why we leaving, daddy coming with us?" Kristen asks, as you pack your bags.

"No.... we're staying at Auntie Perrie and Uncle Zayn for a whille, while your daddy recovers" you say.

"How long dat going to be?" she says, you stare at her.

"I don't know Honey bun" you say, zipping up the suite case and giving it to her she rolls from the room and you follow when the door swings open to Harry, he looks at all your bags and then looks at you.

"What the hell is going on?" he slurs.

"Kristen go wait by the car" you say, she nods strolling from the house outside.

"What the hell is going on?" Harry repeats, this time more angry.

"Harry...... until you get this drinking probelm under control....Kristen and I are staying with Perrie and Zayn....." you say.

"WHAT!" he yells.

"Harry.... i am afraid your going to hurt me.... or worst, hurt Kristen we are not safe here as long as your drinking" you say.

"You can't leave me!" he yells, you bite your tongue.

"Harry you need to get help..." you say, grabbing your bags and walking pass him he doesn't grab you he just watches you go.


-3 months Later-

They tell you not to worry, but none of them have seen him for months and your scarred that he could be in the moregue of in a can of ash. He hasn't called, emailed, texted he hasn't even attempted to visit and for the past 3 months that's all you've been hoping for, Kristen wakes up crying for Harry because him and only him can sing her to sleep no one else can, he has the magic touch so you put on some youtube videos of his solo's and she falls to sleep to his vioce, and sometimes you fall asleep too.

You zip up Kristen jacket combing through her hair one more time before you tug on her bunny rabit hat, then you stand taking her hand walking to the door.

"Have fun you too" Perrie yells, from the kitchen. You and Kristen are going out for the day Perrie said you needed to leave the house and that it's getting really depressing with you moping around, so your taking Kristen to the mall, the movies, the ice crean sjop, out to dinner then to the beach to watch the sun set all in the order. You open the door and gasp.

"Harry....." you say.

He stands there with jeans, and converse a button up shirt and his hair pulled back with bandana his eyes are bright and cheery and his cheeks are pink.

"Y/N" he says.

"Daddy!" Kristen yells, running and jumping to his arms he catches her spinning her around.

"Hey baby girl..." he says.

"Harry.... What are you doing here?" you say, he looks up at you.

"I'm clean Y/N.... 2 months sober...." he says, you stare at him.

"Your serious?" you say, he nods.

"I did this for you.... i can't live without you or Kristen you two are my life, you were my motivation" he says, you smile walking and falling into his arms hugging him tightly he kisses your forhead. "I am so so sorry Y/N for everything i put you through.... when you left i had to think about everything you said and it's true.... i could have seriously hurt you or Kristen and that's when i knew i had stop" he says.

"That's so good Harry" you say, kissing him on the lips.

"We go back to daddy?" Kristen says, you laugh.

"Yes baby" you say.

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