- He sings to you for the first time

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Hello Guys, I started a New Harry Styles Fan Fiction It's been a while the last one was about werewolves and vampires this one is about a one night stand leading to something more and everything else that happens in Fan Fiction, It's an Alternate Universe Story and if you love me as much as you love these preferences you'd go read it



Your sitting  outside in the front of the shool waiting for your mother to come pick you up your having the worst day possible, Your boyfriendcheated on you, your best friend is taking your boyfriends side, your all alone you stare down at your phone.

"This seat taken?" a vioce says, you look up to that curly haired kid in your math class that talks to much and says really bad jokes, but you always laugh because your corny like that.

"Nope" you say, he sits down.

"Bad day" he asks.

"Yeah..." you say.

"Well i know what to do to make it better" he says, smiling jumping up onto the bench next to you, you look up at him.

"What are you doing" you say.

"Wait for it" he says.

"We have fallen down again tonight
In this world it's hard to get it right
Trying to make your heart fit like a glove
What it needs is love, love, love

Everybody, everybody wants to love
Everybody, everybody wants to be loved
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Everybody, everybody wants to love
Everybody, everybody wants to be loved
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh

Happy is the heart that still feels pain
Darkness drains and light will come again
Swing open your chest and let it in
Just let the love, love, love begin

Everybody, everybody wants to love
Everybody, everybody wants to be loved
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Everybody, everybody wants to love
Everybody, everybody wants to be loved
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh

Everybody knows the love
Everybody holds the love
Everybody folds for love
Everybody feels the love
Everybody steals the love
Everybody heals with love

Oh oh oh
Just let the love love love begin

Everybody, everybody wants to love
Everybody, everybody wants to be loved
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh
Everybody, everybody wants to love
Everybody, everybody wants to be loved
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh" he sings, you smile clapping and he bows and jumps off the bench standing in front of you.
"How about i take you out to ice cream on me?" he says.

"Sure.... Thanks Harry" you say.

"No Probelm" he says, smiling


Niall frowns this is the 5th time you've turned him down he claims that he loves you but you has trust issues, and don't trust him you don't trust a lot of people, before you can turn you hear something you turn to see Niall on the stage of the music festivel you currently at he is talking to someone your heart nearly stops.

"What is he doing?" your best friend says.

"I don't know..." you say.

"Hello I am Niall.... i am not on the list of player because i didn't think i would be doingthis but a friend of mine said that i could sing for you guys is that ok?" Niall says, there are cheers. "Ok.... This song is for someone who is really close for who i care about a lot.... but she can't see it yet" he says, his eyes find yours.

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