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Hello Hearts, I don't know what to call you guys.... comment below you guys deserve to have nicknames!!! Comment below what nicknames you should have,

Anyway, this is going a little off track i know i do that a lot but yeah and i think you noticed i downgraded on all the updates about my personally life, quick note i have my stupid broken laptop back and even though it's broken i love it, my aunt got me cord so i hooked it up to my laptop so it;s totally usuable. okay before i show you this i want to tell you a few things this is based on me i didn't describe myself or my friends the way they are but everything in it is completely true, so chew on that for a while, it's just about a lot things about friendship and fitting in that's been on my mind for a while and i don't have a real place in the world except on the internet with you guys!!! meaning you guys are my everything.... hahah

Ontop of you guys being my everything, me and my boyfriend broke up after two months we realized that we were better off just a friends and now i can concentrate on what really matters my Tumblr and WATTPAD yay :D

One last things, i know this is corny but as i am getting more and more of you guys i just wanted to spread that love so my Snapchat is tall_girl14 obviously made when i was 14 i am totally 16 now so yeah, my instagram is Wonderfully_Different thinking of changing it but i don't know to what, so comment below to what i should change it too. lastly if you didn't already my tumblr is in my bio! i think and if it isn't just message me and i will gladly tell you, so follow me and or add me and i will gladly follow you lovelies back.

I promise this is the last time i am going to have a super duper long authors note, i just love you guys soo much. Creepy i know hahah onwards to the story.

Comment what you think when your done, and i am going to start posting more preferences so comment stuff i should do.

And maybe above i will put up a picture of my laptop and how i have it set up! Okay let me let you read.


I guess life really isn't fair you have things that don't go quite as you wanted to, you spend 50% of your life worrying about what other people think of you, instead of being happy. Now i am not going to lie and pretend that i am that other 50% that doesn't give a rat's ass about people's opinion because in freshman that's all i craved for, i knew i wasn't perfect i barley tried, now it made it seem like i didn't care what people thought, cause that's what it felt at first but in reality i was craving for attention.

Now i wasn't a model not even close, i was 5'11 had wide hips and very curly frizzy hair even though my parents were dark i was light which made me stick out like a sore thumb. I honestly look adopted, i have really big feet and my boobs are so far apart it looks like a rive going through them, i have to wear glasses, and put 700 different creams on my face in order for me not to look like a cheese pizza. Now you're wondering how i pulled off my everyday look? I wore the same black jeans every day and washed it every Saturday, that is literally all i wore, I'd also wear a shirt that would have interesting art on it like a hand squeezing lemon into someone's eyes, but I'd usually cover it i wore a beanie most of the time to cover my head and wore the same black converse.

Amazing right?

Now the only way i got through my freshman and sophomore year was my best friend Allison or Alice, she was outgoing, witty, smart and knew everything about me we met in 6th grade. Allison wasn't my only friend i had many other but only a few who were actually close, like my closest friend almost like a sister to me friend Kiki, i call her Kiwi. Last but not least my friend Dave he is gay or at least that's what i think. Allison and i for the longest didn't believe he was gay because he had real problems with personal space and touching people's butt and stuff, and it was really uncomfortable and he also cursed like a sailor and really liked calling people bitches and whores, which didn't make him very likeable in the girl committee in fact i was like the only person out of 3 people who could stand him not including Kiki and Allison.

Allison wasn't very fond of him and it was vice versa they had a big falling out and there was name calling and so Dave didn't hang out with me when i would hang out with Allison. In fact if i even mentioned her name he would get angry, that amongst many other things that annoyed me. I mean Allison was my best friend she was the second closest thing to a sister i had and she actually got her.

But he wasn't the only person who didn't like, my family hated her for one and there were a few choice people at school who weren't very fond of her at all. They wondered how we were even friends, now Allison and i had a very uppity down relationship or a rollercoaster relationship, like a couple and we would be friends and then we wouldn't be and mostly we wouldn't be friends because Dave and all my family would tell me how rotten of a person she was, but they were rotten also.

I mean.

Nobody is perfect? And you can't change people. The only person who wasn't saying anything was Kiki and she was in the middle she was in middle school so she never really talked or even met Allison before so she really couldn't say anything.

Well anyway, at the end of sophomore year Allison and I had the biggest falling out ever. Dave and my family were happy that i sworn off talking to her or about her, but i was really confused.

This takes me back to craving people's opinion, the main reason i stopped talking to Allison is because of my friends and families pressure, in reality. I didn't care because family fight, but they get over it and friends fight but they get over it so what's so bad about Allison and I's relationship.

She actually made me the person i am today, Funny and not so outgoing but enough to be telling you this. She also made me realize not everyone can be trusted and to listen to your heart because there is only a few people in this world who truly understand you and Allison was that person for me.

Now i know i just said nobody is perfect and people can change but there are a few things about Dave and Allison that would make you question having friends in the first place. I mean i could have a better friendship with Wifi, Netflix, Tumblr and my laptop then real people sad i know.

For one don't be a know it all, i know that i am right sometimes and i may rub it in but if you spend 200% of your time trying to be more right then i am, you kind of look like a douchebag to be honest. Also don't brag about knowing a lot of people especially to me because I DON'T CARE, okay you know a lot of people and so what? I know people to but that doesn't mean every chance i get i have to freaking tell you about! GHEESH

Don't be so judge, if i want to be friends with a person that's all me, and if i want to do stupid things that's me not you do not tell me that i am too loud unless it's at an inappropriate time but if we're walking around the mall or outside don't be like shush your too loud, cause i will stop talking.

I AM A NATURALLY LOUD PERSON, and when you accept that you will get less mad me.

Top one thing not to joke about me, my weight i hear it to many fudging times for comfort and having a friend saying it, makes it a thousand times worst. Don't fucking joke about me being pregnant because it's not funny, my weight is a problem to me and if you joke about then i will have to hurt you.

That's pretty much it.

So yeah.

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