Visiting the boys on tour

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Your mother and your job finally paid off to go see Harry in concert. You've packed everything you need (wink wink) and then your off, Harry doesn't know your coming but the rest of the boys do. There supposed to take him to the bar and your supposed to sit next to him and flirt, you get to the bar and see the head of curls. Your head of curls you smile walking up to him and sitting down.

"Hi cutie" you say, he looks at you and has to do a double take.

"Y/N!" He yells, he hugs you and you hug back kissing his neck. "I've missed you like crazy" he says kissing you.

"Ditto" you say, kissing him you've missed your cheeky boy.


You walk into Liam's room whiles he's sleeping, Niall gave you his key you haven't seen him like 2 months. You drop your stuff taking off your coat, scarf, and gloves. You climb into bed with him wrapping your arms around his waist he screams jumping up turning the lights on, you laugh.

"Y/N what the hell you scared the crap out of me" he says.

"What you didn't miss me?" You say, he hops back into bed kissing your nose.

"Of course I missed my little baby boo" he says, kissing you.


You paid a waitress to let you bring Niall's food to his table. You got his tray and walked over to his table putting down the tray.

"Thanks" Niall says, looking up at you, you smile. "Princess !" He yells, jumping up and hugging you.

"Prince" you squeal, he kissing you.

"I've missed you so much!" He says kissing you again.

"I've missed you to baby" you say, kissing him on the lips.


You surprising Louis by returning he doesn't know, the boys sit in the waiting room for some interview and Louis is talking when you sneak up behind him, covering his eyes with your hands.

"Guess who" you whisper.

"Crazy fan?" Louis says, you laugh.

"Guess again" you whisper.

"Y/N?!?" Louis says, you let go of his eyes and he spins around and hugs you spinning you around.

"I missed you Lou bear" you say, kissing him.

"Not much as I've missed you baby girl!" Louis says, kissing you on the lips.


Your at the club where the boys said they were taking a little break before they have to leave in the morning.

"Hey sexy, wanna dance?" You say, to Zayn whose sitting at the bar alone.

"Sorry I'm taken" he says, you smirk.

"I don't think she'd mind" you say, he swivles around.

"How do you know.... Y/N !!!" He yells, jumping up and scooping him in your arms.

"Baby!" You say kissing him. He puts you down hugging you hard.

"I've missed you mad crazy!" He says.

"I've missed you too" you say, he kisses you again.


A few things, one this was chapter was written on my iPod not my laptop so excuse any grammatical errors.

Two can you guys give me some request cause clearly there is people resong this story, unless its the same person over and over again. But request and please easy ones.

Three sorry for not posting on this for a while I was just so caught up in everything else and everytime I was thinking of writing for this book, I got writers block.

Last it would mean a lot if you went to check out some of my other stories like, don't cry (Zayn fan fiction), music room (Harry fan fiction), and I'm not perfect (Liam fan fiction) those three stories have the Least, reads and votes so read and vote please.

Oh and vote for this story also it would mean a lot :)

Bye lovies

---~Oreo Army~---

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