-You tease him

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You walk into the living room with nothing but a lace dress, lacey underwear and no bra when Harry see's you, you can tell he got instantly hard.

"Oh baby" he groans, you walk up to him staddling him grinding your crotch in to him. he moans a little as you kiss behind his ear.

"You've been a very naughty boy Harry" you whisper in his ear, he moans more.

"W-what did i do" he says, grabbing your waist.

"I saw what you did yesterday...." you whisper.

"What..." he says.

"You were jerking off..." you whisper kissing his neck.

"i-I was" he says.

"Why didn't you just ask me Harry?" you say, grinding into him more.

"Because....because you seemed busy" he moans, you move one hand palming his softly.

"I wasn't busy baby..." you whisper, kissing his sweet spot he moans again.

"Please stop teasing me babe" he moans.

"Fine i'll stop" you say,pulling away and leaving the room.

"Y/N UNFAIR!"  He screams, you laugh walking to your rooms


You have no shirt on just your sweats and you walk up to Liam sitting on the couch reading a book you lay across him smiling.

"Hey baby" you say.

"Hey" he says, putting down the book.

"I'm horny" you say, rolling so your chest is out.

"Really..." he says, not looking down at you.

"Yeah really" you say, running your hands down you body. you sit up and staddle him kissing the side of his lips smiling. 

"Y/N...." Liam says, moaning lowly.

"Yes babe" you say, grinding slowly on his crotch.

"Y/N please don't tease me" he whimpers.

"Who says i'm teasing?" you whisper.

"Then help me with the probelm you created" he says.

"I'm not horny anymore sorry" you say, leaving back to the room.

"Tease!" he groans.


"Baby..." Zayn says.

"Yes?" you say, lying on you guys bed with nothing but your lace underwear, Zayn walks into the room.

"Shit...." he says, you look at him.

"Yes?" you repeat.

"Why are you wearing that?" he asks, you bounch up.

"It's comfortable" you say, smiling.

"God Y/N you know what your body does to me" Zayn says, walking over to you.

"What?" you say, smirking falling back on the bed.

"It's gets me going Y/N i want your body" he says, leaning agaisnt the bed you jump up again pressing you hands on his chest.

"You want my body?" you whisper.

"Yes" he says, you run your hands up and down his body being rough when you pass over his crotch he moans a little.

"How bad do you want it?" you say.

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