Prank Call (Part 3)

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Liam said you weren't aloud to leave.

Niall stays with you guys when he doesn't have to do anything.

They want you to be safe.
"I officially hate being pregnant" Lacey says, walking into your room followed by Natalie.

"Right? Backaches, my boobs hurt and I have to pee constantly" Natalie whines.

"Come on guys! We can do this!" You say, they look at you.

"It hurts.... When is my due date?" Lacey groans.

"3 months from now..." You say, in a matter-a-fact tone.

"3 months!" She groans.

"Yes 3 months..." I say.

"Thats forever!" She groans.

"Stop complaining! Its not good for the baby" you say, setting down your Baby's digest magazine.

"Guys... Whats going to happen after we have the babies.... are we going to raise them with the boys?" Natalie says.

"Good question" Lacey says.

"Your asking the wrong person girls, the only thing I am keeping track of is when we're going to pop" you say, the door to your room opens and Zayn, followed by Liam and Niall walk in holding food.

"Hungry girls?" Liam says.

"Yes! What are you trying to starve us and the babies!" Lacey says, grabbing the bags from there hands we sit unwrapping and eating the food, like we haven't eaten in years.

"Some of the food was for us you know?" Zayn says, you three ignore them and just devour the food.

"This is so good! so greasy... and Oh lord!" Natalie says, taking another bite of her burger.

"Girls.... We actually need to talk" Liam says, you slow down on your eating and start paying attention, but Natalie and Lacey continue to destroy the food.

"Well for one, Harry and Simon have agreed that if you don't leave the house.... Your all going to get Cabin Fever....." Liam says, 

"We're fine....  We go on daily walks" you say.

"The other thing is that.... We want to talk to you about what's going to happen after the babies are born" Zayn says.

"Yes answer our questions!" Natalie says, drinking the second soda.

"Well?" you say.

"We want you three to move in with us, so we can raise the baby like a family?" Liam says.

"Fucked up family..." Lacey says.

"Lace, Lanuaged" you saym kickiing her leg. 

"What do you girls say?" Niall says, we all say. 


I am a horrible person,I said in my last post "I am going to post tomorrow" that was like two days ago. -.- 

Well here you go, hope you did !! Comment and Like guys!! 

and I am update soon, love you byyyeee.....

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