- You Had His Child And Didn't Tell Him (Part Two)

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Liana lies on her stomach asleep resting her head on her favorite pillow that your grandmother gave her before she passed, Harry took a walk after a fight you two had about Liana spending the summer with him and his girlfriend. you don't think it's a good idea because Liana could get confused but Harry said that he wanted to spend time with Liana and it isn't fair.

"I'm back" Harry says, you don't answer you just stroke Liana's back as she softly snores.

"Fine" you say.

"What?" he says, you sigh running your fingers through your hair before looking up at him.

"You can take her for the summer, but only for 3 weeks, and then she comes right back and you tell me everything that happens the her everything Harold got that and if your bimbo girlfriend does anything to hurt my baby you'll feel my wrath got that?" i say.

"Got that... and Amanda isn't a bimbo she's actually very nice and loves kids" Harry defends, you roll your eyes looking back down at Liana.

"Ok...." i say.

"Thank you Y/N!" he says, happily you roll your eyes.

"Your welcome" you say, watching Liana rub her nose gently.


Dillion is out with Liam for the weekend, you and Liam agreed that it be best that you two didn't see each other but Liam agreed to move closer for the sake Dillion you sit on the couch eating strawberries and grapes from a bowl and drinking a banana pineapple smoothie mix. you watch your favorite show on reruns, in peace and quiet then someone knocks on the door you get up grabbing your smoothie and walking to the door you open it to Liam.... and only Liam.

"Where is Dillion?" you say, drinking your smoothie.

"With Zayn and Harry.... i just had to come and talk you about something we can't talk about in front of Dillion" he says.

"And that is?" you say, letting him in closing the door when he pushes you against it making your drop your smoothie, luckily it was in a non breakable case and didn't splatter everywhere. "Liam what the frick!" you say, you learned how to subsitute words a long time ago for Dillions sake.

"I want you" he whispers.

"What are you talking about Liam" you say, trying push him off so you can get your smoothie.

"I've missed you so much your smile, your laugh.... your body" he says, and he starts kissing your neck.

"L-Liam" you mumble, your hands on his chest.

"I still love you....." he says, through your skin.

"Are you sure about this" i whimper.

"Yes" he says, grabbing your thighs and lifting you up, you wrap your legs around his waist, wrapping your arms around his neck running your fingers through his hair. "Let me please you" he whispers.


You wake up to Zayn's arm around your waist and his nose nuzzling your neck, you open your eyes when you feel Zayn kissing your neck.

"Good morning" you whisper.

"Good morning" he whispers.

"Mama, Papa!" Daisy yells, running into the bed room.

"Yes baby girl?" Zayn says, Daisy climbs into the bed.

"Is it true?" Daisy says, angrily corssing her amrs across her chest.

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