- You See Him With His New Girlfriend

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You're out with your little sister and you walk into the mall taking her to her favorite store she wants some news jewelry for her kindergarten graduation and she wants some more books.

"You get to see my colored fish!" she says, happily.

"That's great you say, smiling and taking her hand her face lights up and she lets go of your hand runs away.

"Y/Little sister/N (If you have a little sister)" you call, running after her you stop once you see who she ran to.

"Harry!" she says, hugging his leg.

"A baby girl what are you doing here?" Harry says, you walk up behind her.

"I'm shopping with N/Y mommy said she needed to leave the house" your sister says, Harry looks  at you.

"Hey Y/N" he says.

"Hey" you say.

"Harry why did you run?" a girl says, then appears a beautiful blonde girl who was perfect for Harry you bite your Tongue.

"Who's that?" your sister says.

"This is Abigail... Abby this is my favorite little girl and her sister Y/N" Harry says.

"Nice to meet you" you say.

"Nice to meet you" she says.

"Are you dating Harry now?" your sister says.

"Yes I am" Abigail says.

"Y/N use to date Harry but they broke up" your sister says, in her voice it sounds like she said Y/N use to dwate Hari butt thay brooke uoop.

"Really" Abigail says.

"We should get going" you say, picking up your sister and leaving.

"Bye" Harry says.

"Bye" you say, walking away that was the hardest thing you had to do since the breakup.


You walk into Starbucks and sit in the corner opening your laptop and logging on you have a term paper due and you need to finish, you were tired of your mother mentioning the break up and your sister and brother asking why you broke up.

"Niall I don't like coffee" someone says, you look up and see Niall walking in with some brunette you duck down and keep typing.

"I just want a mocha you don't have to get anything" Niall says.

"Large caramel Frappuccino, extra caramel extra crème extra wipe cream" the person yells, I curse under my breathe standing up and grabbing the coffee quickly.

"Oh hey Y/N" Niall says, you look at him.

"Hey" you say.

"How's is it?" he says.

"Just finishing homework" you say.

"Oh...." He says.

"Want me to introduce me you your friend Niall?" the girl says, you bite your tongue hard.

"This is my friend Y/N" Niall says.

"Hi I'm Kelly" she says.

"Hi" you say.

"So..." niall says.

"I should get going...have to finish this paper" you say, walking back to your table.

"See you later Y/N" Niall says, you give him a half smile and sit down finishing up the paper.


You're taking your Niece, Nephew, little sister and little brother to the carnival because your family is annoying and you don't feel like screwing up their heads, you're walking around. Your Nephew on your back your sister and your Niece holding your hand and your little brother walking in front of you.

"Let's play!" your brother says, running to a game, you follow him and he's giving his ticket to the man and throws the ball to the hoop trying to win the big bunny.

"Louis I want the bunny!" a girl says, you turn and see Louis walking over to you, you turn back to your brother who's trying to win.

"Hey it's Louis" your little Niece says, you turn.

"Hey guys" Louis says.

"Hi Louis" your brother says, sadly.

"What's wrong little guy?" Louis says.

"I didn't get the bunny, I was going to get it for Y/N so she wasn't sad anymore" he says, Louis looks up at me you take your brother and lean down kissing his forehead.

"It's fine" you say, someone clears there throat you sit up adjusting you nephew on your back.

"Oh this is Kaitlin" Louis says.

"Hi" she says.

"Hi" you say.

"Kaitlin this is Y/N and her little brother, sister, Niece and Nephew" Louis says.

"Nice to meet you" she says, you nod.

"Let's go guys you can win me something somewhere else" you say, pushing everyone along.

"Bye Y/N" Louis calls.

"Bye" you call, walking.


You're out with your best friend at a club you're not dancing but she had to get you out of the house you're sitting at the bar while your best friend dances, you're on your 3rd drink.

"Y/N" Zayn says, you turn and Zayn is sitting next to you with a girl on his lap.

"Hi" you say, finishing off the drink.

"This is Jessie" Zayn says.

"Nice to meet you" you say, patting her leg.

"Are you drunk?" he laughs.

"No..." you say, he laughs.

"Who did you come with?" he asks.

"My best friend..." you say.

"Which one?" he says.

"The one that hated your guts" you say with a drunken laugh.

"It was nice to see you again Y/N" he says, smiling.

"Whatever" you say, turning back to the bar.


You're at the library with your sister who's the same age as you but you aren't twins, you were supposed to be but she had to stay in the womb. You're reading the last book in a series and your sister is reading a magazine.

"Li-Li why are we here" someone says.

"I want a book" Liam says.

"This is so boring" she whines, you look up into Liam's eyes.

"Y/N" Liam says, you look back down at your book.

"Oh hey Liam long time no see, I think the last time I saw you was when you crushed my sisters heart" your sister says, you glare at your sister.

"Hey Y/N" Liam says, ignoring your sister you look up.

"Hi" you say.

"This is Kasey" Liam says.

"Hi" Kasey says.

"Hi" your sister says, mocking her.

"Hi" you say, looking back down at your book.

"It was nice seeing you Y/N" Liam says.

"Wish she could say the same" your sister says, you look at her again and she shrugs it off you look at Liam.

"Nice seeing you again Liam" you say. He walks away with Kasey and you drop your head on the desk.

"Sorry..." your sister says.

"No it's fine...it's just fine" you say. 

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