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Name: Y/n

Date of birth: y/b/d

Interest: singing, dancing, reading, going to concerts

WELCOME TO MEET SOMEONE NEW, we have a lot of users just like you.

Liam.Payne Liked your profile.
Liam.Payne: Hey :p

You: Hi

Liam.Payne: I like your profile picture.

You: Thanks, your not so bad looking yourself

Liam.Payne: Where do you live?

You: Here there.... How about you?

Liam.Payne: Wolverhampton.... But i move around a lot... On the road

You: doing what?

Liam.Payne: I'm a singer.


Liam.Payne: Yeahhh....

You: Wait, what happened to Sophia?

Liam.Payne: Do you really want to talk about this?

You: yes....

Liam.Payne: Fine... She cheated on me...

You: GASP, that sucks... If it means anything I would never cheat on you.

Liam.Payne: Thanks XD

You: Your really sweet.... *Insert Your Location*

Liam.Payne: Thats where you live?

You: Yeah, Maybe we could meet up :)

Liam.Payne: That could be arranged :3
You sit a Starbucks, your best friend said she would meet you here for a study session before you go to the Spring Carnival.

"Sorry I am late!" Your best friend says, sitting down.

"Its fine... I was just checking my profile again.." You say.

"That stupid website? Stop!" She says, grabbing your phone.

"Sorry! He just.... He just said he would contact me and he never did..." You say, staring down at your cup.

"Look Y/n, it was just some creep trying to get laid using some famous guys name" she says.

"Yeah..." You say.
"I LOVE THE CARNIVAL!" Your best friend screams, pulling you straight to the cotton candy.

"No candy..." You groan. You get two cotton candy cones.

"Lets go see the show..." She yells, eating the cotton candy with one hand and holding you with the other. You make it to the stage, just as some people were setting up.

"Who is this?" You ask, she shrugs before turning and ask a group of girls. She turns to you.

"Apparently, One Direction" she says, your eyes go wide. Five boys walk on stage but your only looking at one.

"Liam..." You say, they start singing some song but you weren't listening you were to busy looking at Liam.

"Even when the night changes, it will never change me and you" they sing, then Liam looks at you. You stare at each other and it feels like its just you and him.

"Y/N come on I am bored, I want a funnel cake! And I want to go on a ferris wheel..." You best friend says, pulling you from the crowd. You look back at Liam and he seems to be starring at you, he snaps out of it when on of the other boys nudges him.

You and your best friend wait in line for the ferris wheel.

"Excuse me, Excuse me" someone says.

"Hello I am Harry, can i take the next cart with you?" The curly guy from the stage says to your best friend.

"Sure..." Your friend says.

"Wh-" you start. They step on the thing and leave.

"Looks like your friend ditched you too" Liam says, you look back at him.

"Yeah...." you say.

"Nexxxtt" the man yells.

"Do you want to go with me?" He ask.

"Sure..." You say, you two climb into the seat, it rocks a little and you grab Liam's arm.

"Are you okay?" He says.

"Yeah..." You say, the man closes and locks. It starts to move, you look around the Carnival the flashing lights, the screaming kids, the fresh smell of popcorn.

"Look... I am sorry for not talking to you " Liam says, you look at him.

"Its fine.. You being a world famous superstar" you shrug.

"I really wanted to talk to you....." He says.

"Really?" You say, looking back at him.

"Yeah you seemed nice.... What do you say, after this ride we hang out... Just you and I" he says.

"Ok..." You smile.
"Liam...." You say, walking into your apartment, Liam said he was there. You turn the light on and Liam sits at the dining room table with dinner.

"Happy 2 Year Anniversary" he smiles.

"Happy Anniversary baby, I love you" you say.

"Love you too babe" he smiles.

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