-He Hears You Sing For The First Time

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Your in your room listening to the radio and Royals, by Lorde comes on and you start screaming you jump on you bed and start singing, dancing around singing at the top of your lungs when you stop you fall on your bed.

"Nice vioce baby" Harry laughs, you look at him heating up.

"You watched me sing...." you mumble.

"Very good i might say" he laughs.

"Shut up" you groan, throwing the ball.


Your in the kitchen cooking yourself so lunch Niall went to lunch with the boys and you two were upset at each other this morning, so you were currently giving him the silent treatment. you have the radio on and Everything Has Changed By. Taylor Swift Ft. Ed Sheeran comes on and you smile you and Niall love singing this song together.  you start singing rocking to the song while cooking you food, you don't notice the front door open and Niall walk into the kitchen, he watches you leaning agiasnt the counter. when the song finishes he clears his throat and you turn to him and he smiles.

"Wonderful" he says.

"Thanks..." you say, blushing.

"Are you still mad at me?" he says.

"You know i couldn't possibly stay mad at you" you say, walking over to him kissing him on the lips.


Your taking a shower washing your hair and when you wash your hair, you like to pretend the the shampoo bottle is a mocrophone. you sing Never Been Hurt by. Demi Lovato. you love that song and when Louis took you to see her you were singing everyword.

"Baby" Louis says, you stop singing.

"Louis.... have you been listening to me sing?" you say, standing under the water.

"Yes...." he says, you can tell he isn't trying to laugh.

"Leave!" you yell.

"It was so good though!" he yells.

"Go!" you yell.

"Ok, Ok see you when you get out baby bear" he says snickering.


You have your ear phones in listening to Ariana Grande Tattoed Heart, your favorite song by her your eyes are closed and you must have been signing loudly because Liam throws a pillow at your face making you jump up looking at you.

"I can hear you from upstairs" he says, rubbing his eyes he must have been sleeping.

"Sorry Baby" you say.

"Try singing when it isn't 6 a clock at night" he whines.

"Sorry..." you say.

"By the way baby" he says, smiling.

"What?" you say.

"You have a lovely vioce" he says, smirking walking away, you smile laying back down.'\


Zayn is beyond angry at you he won't even look in your direction, he won't say why and he won't even speak to you. he left to his concert without a good bye so the boys drive you in a seperate car. when you get there while your setting up Liam and Niall is talking to Zayn, you walk onto the small stage and everyone starts cheering when Zayn see's you he smirks, knowing your larg fear of crowds, and singing in front of crowds.

"Hey Directioners, it's Y/N and i just wanted to get this started by signing a song for you" you say, swallowing the air in your mouth a lump growing in your throat. everyone cheers and Zayn crosses his arms across his arms smirking at you. "This is goes out to you Zaynie baby..." you say, the music starts to play and you start singing Perfect Two, by Auburn the whole time you stare at Zayn and he smiles at you, when you finisheseveryone cheers and claps and you run off of stage into Zayn's arm who was waiting.

"That was great baby" he says.

"Your not mad at me anymore?" you say.

"No.... it was a stupid anyway i'm sorry baby" he says, kissing your nose.

"It's ok baby, just don't let me ever have to do that again" you say.

"But you were wonderful" he whispers, you kiss his cheek.

"See you after" you say, kissing him

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