-XXXLike a Nerd -Marcel Story-XXX

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You sit at the lunch tabke in the small booth crammed between your gay best friend Leroy and your transgender friend Veronica, although he's a tranny he can really work it sometimes you believe he's prettier then you and your a male.

"There he  is there he is" leroy say, making you turn your head, you look at who Leroy is pointing out and it's the new kid Marcel, he got here last year and hasn't said one word only to answer questions.

"He's adorable" Veronica says.

"He's such a nerd" Leroy says.

"Lee don't be mean" you say.

"Alright, Marcel! Marcel come over here love!" Leroy yells, Marcel looks over at you guys and his eyes dart to you before he walks over to you guys, he sits across from you.

"Hello Marcel, i'm Veronica" Veronica says.

"I'm Leroy" Leroy says.

"And i'm Straight"You say, Leroy and Veronica glare at you making you laugh. "I''m Y/N" you say. 

"Nice meet you" he says, his vioce nasely but at the same time deep.

"Your here so like the wonderfully nice people we are will be the first people to formally talk to you" Leroy says.

"And not pull your underwear over your head" Veronica says, i snicker at that comment literally to minutes ago they were calling him a nerd just like the rest of the school. 

"We're going to this social gatering amogst people in a higher popularity rate and we're inviting you to tag along" Leroy says.

"Is Y/N coming?" Marcel asks, making you blush Veronica and Leroy look at you.

"She sure is" Veronica says.

"Then i'll be there" Marcel says.

At the party your on your third drink and your still not drunk enough to tolerate anything at this party when someone taps you on your shoulder you turn and look at what looks to be Marcel but it's impossible because Marcel is a nerd and not a hottie like this fellow. 

"Marcel?" you say.

"Hey" he says, his vioce no longer nasely and nerdy you examining him and he has tattoos visible and his hair isn't slicked back like a pedofiles.

"Why don't you look like a nerd?" you ask, making im chuckle you nearly faint at the sound of his chuckle.

"I only dress like that at school" he says.

"Why" i say.

"Long story shortm Nerd by day, normal by night" he says.

"This is normal for you?" you say, he grabs your hand and he leans in.

"Let's go somewhere quieter" he whispers, you nod quickly and he pulls you upstairs when you find an empty room you walk in and he pushes you to the door crushing his lips on yours. "I've been wanting to do that since i saw you" he whispers, he starts kissing you and then starts kissing you down your neck.

"Mar-marcel" you moan, he smiles on your skin. 

"You want me" he whispers, grinding his groin into your happy place.

"Y-yes" you moan. he pulls away taking your dress off and his clothes off until your completely naked.

"Are you a virgin Y/N?" Marcel says.

"No" you say, he smirks walking up to you kissing your kneck while fondling your breast, you moan loudly then he thrust into you unexpectably, you moan in a mix of pain and pleasure. he starts thrusting in you, he's so big you wrap your arms around his neck.

"Your so tight babe" he moans, thrust into you deeply.

"Fuck yeah Marcel" you moan, digging your nails into his back.

"I'M close" Marcel moans.

"Me....Tooo" you moan, then you both release falling to the floor.

"Fuck.... that was fantastic" he moans.

"The night isn't over yet nerd boy" you whisper, getting on your knees, you crawl down and grab his shaft he flinches, and you start stroking him him hard and fast.

"Fuck..." he moans, he moans louder when you wrap your mouth around him and start bobbing up and down, soon he puts his fingers in your hair and goes at the speed he wants, you stop and crawl on him sliding onto him, you start bouncing up and down, both of you are moaning noow.

"Yes Marcel, Yes" you moan.

"That's right" he moans, he grabs your breast and you buck you hips as he goes faster until you both go over the edge again, you fall on his chest breathing heavily.

"That was fantastic" you whisper, then you both realize the music downstairs has stopped.

"Did Marcel get some?" Someone whispers.

"Who is it?" someone else whispers.

"She must be desperate" someone whispers, everyone laughs. you both get up getting dressed but you take his shirt you open the door and everyone gasp.

"Y/N" Leroy says, then they look over at Marcel and gasp even louder.

"MArcel" they asll say, MArcel chuckles.

"Get's them everytime" he whispers, you both leave the party hand in hand. 


SO how did you like ??? 

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my lovely little readers 

and i think i'm going to make another 

-He Cheats 

One i don't know why i just want to 

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