Changes in outfit

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They had encountered one another at the door of the new guild building (a ramshackle shack that made Lucy weep to think what hell her fellow guild members must have gone through while she and the others were frozen in time) and halted to a stop in shock of each other's new look.

Okay, Natsu's look wasn't that new. But it was different. His new black and white jacket that went over his usual trousers was much longer, and was zipped up tight, hiding the strong chest, beautiful abs, and tanned skin Lucy knew was underneath, it also had one, long, sleeve, leaving only Natsu's guild marked arm for the world to see.

It's strange.

You would think more clothes would do nothing to a person. That less naked flesh would be less arousing….

Well Lucy learnt that was wrong.

Natsu's sudden need to hide his flesh made it more mysterious and alluring, and now there was a new sexiness to him. He had gotten taller, or slimmer, or he was looking at her from a different angle and a different manner….

She really couldn't say only that he had become more fanciable in his new jacket.

Her cheeks burned.

Meanwhile, Natsu couldn't keep his eyes off of Lucy. Her new look was going to haunt him forever. It as if all that fighting on Tenrou had knocked the prude-ness out of Lucy's head (not that she dressed that conservatively to begin with). Her sleeves blouse had been replaced with a crop tube top, and although there was a waist coat, and some separate, weirdo, sleeves that were laced up on her arms, it left a lot of skin to Natsu's eyes. As did her even shorter mini skirt, and her new, navy blue, stockings highlighted her milky white skin.

He had a sudden urge to nibble on her thighs, to trail his hands up her waist and to a certain area he knows she would slap him for touching, and to kiss her naked shoulder before….

Natsu's cheeks burned as he ducked to look at anything other than Lucy's chest, or her lips, or her eyes…

"You look nice!" Lucy cried out suddenly.

"Thanks," Natsu smiled, "So do you, you look….you….erm…." his eyes landed on her stomach. It as a nice tummy, flat, smooth, and it looked silky to touch. He had never really seen her stomach before and it was suddenly even more attractive to him than anything else. "You have a cute belly button!" Natsu blurted out.


Both Natsu and Lucy jumped in the air when all the male members screamed that on the top of their voice. Lucy clutched her chest as she thought her heart was going to leap out right there and then while Natsu looked as if he had been ambushed by a furious Erza.

"Natsu," Gray hissed, "you idiot!"

"Are you sure you're straight Natsu?" Wakaba puffed on his cigar. "Because trust me, belly buttons is not what a normal guy notices when a girl wears an outfit like that."

"Why are you looking at her stomach?!" Jet asked cluelessly. "Her legs are what you should be admiring. I never knew what sexy legs you had before Lucy."

"What you're talking about?!" Macao yelped. "It's her breasts that he should be checking out."

"Nah," Gajeel shook his head, "the gay ponytail is right, Bunny Girl has proper dancer legs."

"No," Max disagreed, "it's the boobs."

"I think it's her shoulders actually," Warren put in.

"Lucy-san is beautiful all over!" Reedus protested as he hurriedly painted something. "She exudes sex with her new look."













At this point Lucy had shifted so she was hiding behind Natsu, she had buried her face into his back and clung tightly to his jacket as she tried to hide away from the perverts that she called friends.

Not that that helped either, Natsu's body had immediately set alight with flames and Lucy's face was beginning to burn for a different reason altogether.


Strangely enough the boys did…..but not because Natsu ordered them to. Oh no, when Lucy peered out from behind his shoulder she almost screamed and ducked back down again as all the girls were standing behind the boys, and they all shared the same, terrifying, dark, aura as they coldly glared at the male members.

"I think," Erza pulled out her sword, "that we should teach these scoundrels a lesson on how to talk about women in polite society. Don't you, ladies?"

Natsu and Lucy barely got out of the way when the boys ran for the door, and the girls followed without hesitation.

"Personally," Happy hovered, "I don't see what all the fuss is about. You're not any prettier than before Lucy." Lucy's eyebrow twitched and she was half tempted to yank Happy's whiskers out one by one, but he then flew over to Natsu and giggled. "Her belly button, Natsu?" he teased. "You liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike her."

Natsu and Lucy spent the rest of the day avoiding one another much to Happy's everlasting amusement.

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