What if?

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He couldn't possibly get to her in time. Neither could her other self. That damn bastard…That sword thing shot past Natsu, aimed for her.

The Dragon Slayer ran to her. He reached out to her, calling her name.


Tears streamed down both Lucys' faces. They knew she couldn't dodge. They knew that Natsu couldn't save her. It wasn't possible. Even with his speed, there was no way he would reach her in time. It was the end of the line for her, Lucy Heartfilia.

Carla clung to Wendy's leg, hiding her tears to stay strong for the younger Dragon Slayer, and keeping the sobbing girl at bay. Happy's wings disappeared as he slowly descended to the ground. His eyes glued to the blonde.

Lucy's fist relaxed at her side. Tears continued to stream down her porcelain cheeks as she smile to everyone around her.

"Goodbye, everyone…Goodbye," she whispered so only one other would hear, "Natsu…"

"LUCY!" the fire dragon slayer yelled.

Blood splattered everywhere, from Present and Future Lucy. Natsu stopped in his tracks, the sweet smell of Lucy's scent mixed with her blood choked him, almost making him gag. He watched her body hit the ground with the black blade still embedded in her stomach. He breathed heavily as a pool of blood formed around her, mixing with her paling skin and golden hair. Her brown eyes were dulling.

Natsu managed to run to her side and grabbed her hand. The Dragon Slayer was on the verge of tears as he tried to control his breathing. He gently rested his hand on the black sword.

"Lucy, Lucy! Look at me!" She stared at him with pained eyes. "I'm gonna pull out the sword, okay? It's gonna hurt a lot but, please, put up with it, okay?"

Lucy slowly nodded, closing her eyes to prepare for the upcoming pain.

Natsu turned to the sword and gently pulled the sword out of her. She twitched and squired under the pain.

"GAHHH! ERNNN!" she screamed. "Natsu!"

"I'm sorry Lucy…I'm so sorry!" Natsu begged, his voice cracking from sobs he tears to conceal. He turned to the others. The Exceeds were looking to the other Lucy as Wendy ran to his Lucy in tears. "Wendy! Wendy please!"

"I-I'll try my best!" Wendy placed her glowing hands on the wound and began to work.

Rogue chuckled. Natsu's eyes widened and he stood up. Natsu cracked his neck before glaring to him with rage in his onyx eyes.

"What's so funny Bastard?"

"Ho? I made you angry, didn't I?" Rogue taunted. "No mater what you do, nothing will save Lucy Heartfilia. My shadows have implanted themselves into her body. Nothing will save her-"

Natsu ran up to Rogue and punched him with a flaming fist. His entire body was covered in flames. Rogue looked to Natsu's fiery eyes.

"Going to kill me? That won't change anything! Lucy will die and the gate will open as planned!"

"She won't die! I promise she won't!" Natsu yelled. I promised I won't leave you Lucy…Do the same for me…

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