The night after

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The first official night after the war Nalu Fluff and sadness n gooey shit

The stars flickered across the sky once the sun had set, with not a single cloud to taint the sheet of pure darkness

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The stars flickered across the sky once the sun had set, with not a single cloud to taint the sheet of pure darkness.

Usually, Magnolia would still have a small hum of the nightlife, with streetlights dancing against the pavements and stores and bars filled with late patrons. However, since the city had been evacuated, the towns people were still a ways away while the streets were being repaired. So, the only lights to guide the dark were the twinkling stars and bright moon. Even though the absence of life made the town sadder, the radiance of the moon was able to keep the guild mates calm.

While Natsu was cascaded in the candle-lit dark, he entertained himself by constantly making small flames in his hand before smothering them, and then lighting them once more.

Other than the noise of Happy's soothing purr, was the shower's running water.

Then, it cut off. Out stepped a damp Lucy Heartfilia, wearing a large t-shirt that reached just above her knees, drying her wet hair with a fuzzy pink towel. The candle light created a soft glow around her, making her skin look that much more supple and hair that much more golden.

Her chocolate eyes darted towards the flame in his hand, and he could easily spot the tensing of her muscles as she stopped moving her towel. "Sorry..." He mumbled, putting out his flame.

Lucy let out a relaxed sigh before the room went silent once more. Her eyes roamed over her best friend. Hair still pink, skin still bronze, body still built like a god, yet his eyes were't the same. Less bright, less fierce,less Natsu.

His gaze turned away from her, almost ashamed. She dropped her towel over a chair before plopping by Natsu's side on her mattress. Instinctively, he scooted away, yet she persisted.

"Lucy...maybe I should just go back to my place. I don't want to make you uncomfortable-" he began, yet her soft hand grabbed his calloused one and ceased the voice from his mouth.

"You're my best friend. You know you would never hurt me, and I know you would never hurt me....And lord help anyone who does hurt me." She chuckled.

"Why?" He said, meeting her eyes.

"Because they would have to deal with you." She smiled, almost proudly as she broke Natsu's stoic manner as well.

"Same goes to you." He teased.

"What are you talking about?" She scoffed, well aware of what he was getting at.

"Brandish told me all about how you kicked her ass after she..." He paused, squeezing her hand a little more,
"....she enlarged my 'tumor'." Lucy looked down at their intertwined hands, feeling her heart skip a beat as Natsu's thumb grazed over her guild mark.

Their eyes met once more, and for a second, she could've sworn his gaze flickered to her lips. "See? We protect each other." She said softly, leaning her head on his shoulder.

Natsu smiled before nuzzling her head with his, almost like a kitten. They stayed like that for what almost seemed like forever, and Natsu wouldn't have minded if he didn't hear the soft snores that she began letting out.

He chuckled before grabbing her by the small of her back and lifting her around his body. Her legs wrapped around his torso immediately as her hands laid against his back.

Happy adjusted himself to the foot of the bed as Natsu pulled back the covers, falling right back to sleep once he laid down. Natsu placed Lucy down before snuggling beside her.

"You're really warm..." She murmured. "Shit...sorry." He blushed, moving a bit from her. Her arms swung around him, pulling him against her body as her face made it into the crook of his neck.

"I love it......I love you..." She said softly. Natsu felt his heart drop, jerking away to meet her gaze. She smiled up at him with a light blush dusted across her cheeks.

Without thinking, he pushed his lips against hers in a sweet and soft manner. Lucy giggled as she felt him smile through their kiss before pulling away to meet his classic grin. That radiant, contagious grin that could light up Magnolia.

"I love you too Lucy." He said happily before showering her face with kisses. Lucy couldn't hold back her laughter as Natsu enveloped her in his arms, rolling around on her mattress with glee as he repeated those words over and over.

"I love Lucy Heartfilia!" He shouted, loud enough to wake her neighbors, if they were there. "Im trying to sleep...." Happy mumbled, rubbing his eyes. He squealed as Natsu grabbed the blue cat, squeezing both him and Lucy in a bear hug.

"I love you too! I love you both!" He chuckled happily, contrasting with the small tears that began showing in his eyes.

"He's back." Happy sighed, looking too tired to truly enjoy the moment.

"Yeah..." She paused, wiping a small tear that had fallen from her own face.

"...He is."

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