When fairies bleed

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To improve: to prove he was strong, this time with the title.

His moment of basking in the serene nature of the world was swiftly, destroyed.

The wind picked up. A scream, an explosion, chaos whirled around the island — he knew that scream well. It was the young blue-haired mage.

The Seven Kin of Purgatory. That's what they called themselves. Their aura was dark, as dark and empty, and deep as what lay hidden under the ocean's waves. Their power, equally as great. Their strength, unheard of.

He didn’t care.

Not while one of the Kin proceeded to dangle the celestial mage up in the air. Holding her in their clutches.

Her body twitched, each time more of the monster's weight was applied to her head, the giant squeezing ever so tightly. Her toes curled as choked-out whimpers escaped her lips. Her blonde bangs covered her lidded eyes, as they shut hoping to hide the pain drawn within them. Her teeth bit down on her pursed lips, muting her silent screams. Her hands, animatedly clenched and unclenched by her side. Slowly, she raised her hands up weakly to hit at the monster's giant arms — with a whimper, they slipped down back to her sides when he tightened his grip around her in warning. The monster's free hand proceeded to trail down and grip her throat.

It hurt to watch.

Half his body lay buried under mountains of rock. Paralysed. He couldn’t do anything but look.

He felt useless, seeing his closet companion — second to the flightless feline — writhe in pain.

“Say you’re sorry, beg for mercy from the Seven Kin of Purgatory.” The giant snarled, leaning in close to sniff her disheveled, tawny hair.

The dragon-slayer could feel a growl emitting from his chest — roaring out his words. His anger shaking the rocks beneath him.

“Let her go!” He seethed.

The giant’s eyes passed over to his, to the man who lived in the flames. Eyes unreadable. Black. Pointed.

The Dragon Slayers' eyes, widened at the smile that spread across the monster's face.

No, it wasn’t a smile.

An evil grimace. A grin. A sadistic sign of pleasure just as his paws tightened around the blonde mage's head. He heard it. His breathing hitched, words clogging at his throat.

The sound.

That haunting sound forever burned its way into his head, engraved in his heart.

Jaw slacked, lips parted, eyes widened, he screamed out her name.

He screamed till his voice grew hoarse, as the giant flung her body across the ground, doing whatever he wanted to her for good measure. Slamming her head down on the ground repeatedly. Again and again and again.

The sound played in his mind like static being muffled and drowned at sea. It played in his mind, even as his eyes watched her body slump down onto the ground. Unmoving.

The giant didn’t care for her.

Flinging her down onto the ground as if she were a heavy, useless, dumbbell he had to get rid of. So, he did.

His voice broke as he yelled out her name, louder everytime the monster would fling her body against the ground, slamming her against the rocks beside him.

His own screams of pain, merging with that of the blue-furred exceed. His slit eyes filled with tears as it flew down towards the blonde mage's body.

Her golden hair covered her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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