Chain mail

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Sorry for the late update.
Here ya go!

After a long day at work, Lucy was glad to kick off her four inch professional but fuck-me heels, take the heavy make-up off, and throw on her favorite most comfortable t-shirt and prance around her apartment pants-less. It was one of the things she looked most forward to along with checking her mail-box or email. Sure, it sounded pretty weird and stupid to get excited to get mail online and in real life but to her, it was something enjoyable. She loved the stacked letters that came for her since she was pretty obsessed with collecting perfect pens and nice papers. She also loved the smell of them which she could admit was sort of weird.

Though, online email was sometimes stupid. Sure, physical letters that came in the mail were more exciting since they were addressed to her most of the time but online mail was seventy percent spam mail and the other thirty are just emails from colleagues or such.

She wasn't expecting much since she had some kind of schedule of check this, do that, read this, and read that but when she saw a email, she was confused.

In big bold print, the words of: PLEASE FORWARD THIS EMAIL caught her attention.

Though, it was probably one of those stupid chain-letter emails that she got time to time because some idiot believed it but she had a feeling she should read this. She reads everything, including the stupid spam emails and such.

Clicking on the link, the page took her to another page where a huge letter was written about this stupid boy with pink-hair died in this or that and finally at the bottom it said; "PLEASE FORWARD THIS EMAIL TO 20 OTHER PEOPLE OR THE DEAD BOY WILL COME AND KILL YOU TONIGHT."

It actually made her scoff and guffaw obnoxiously since what kind of guy had pink hair? And worst of all, this was so fake.

Finally checking her other mails, the blonde noticed it was nearly past ten and she quickly logged off her laptop and jump into bed.

Even though she was in bed and it was past ten, the female had a horrible habit of staying up late reading the latest novels she had. And she couldn't possibly go to bed happy with the way where she bookmarked in her book.

With that said, the blonde got snug in her bed and went on her merry way to read the next chapter or so.


When a large crash and a curse word bounce off the walls of the apartment, the blonde was jolted awake as she sat up straight. Her hard-cover novel fell off the bed with a thump and she immediately turned on her lamp to look into her room which progressively became brighter.

In the corner of the room, she noticed that somebody was hunch over in fatal position.

Silent cries of help and muttered curse words flew out of his mouth making her furrow her brows and stare in confusion.

Did someone just try to break in and fell over? What kind of break-in was this?

It made her snort and giggle slightly making the shadow figure look up and growl slightly.

"What are you laughing at?" He hissed at her making her laugh even harder, the sides of her stomach hurting making the figure stand and dust himself off. "Fucking Christ, this wasn't supposed to happen. What the fuck did I even run into?" He looked around and Lucy barely made out a male with a build and spiky hair looking around until her eyes trailed down to see shattered glass on the ground.

Her eyes widen and she immediately jumped out of bed to rush over to the unknown man.

"My vase!" She shrieked making him stare at her. "You broke my vase!"

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