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Lucy picked up a couple habits from Natsu in the three years they had known each other. Some habits were good, others were... Look, breaking into other people's homes wasn't that bad.

As she climbed through Natsu's window, she told herself she only wanted to tidy up his place so he and Happy could return to a clean home. Of course, the real reason was simply because she missed him. Two weeks apart was way too long, especially for a new couple! Lucy wanted to strangle him for leaving her behind again, but at least there was a reason this time as she was sick when the two left. They had only become exclusive a short three months ago, much to the guild's delight (or spite depending on the wager), but not that much changed between them. After all, Natsu was still Natsu.

She was surprised to find his door was actually locked this time. "He should have given me a key or something..." Lucy shut the small window behind her and turned around to see a horrific sight. Food, dishes, clothes, weights, toys, gears, and tools were scattered across the floor, and Lucy was beginning to think coming over was a bad idea. There was a horrible smell in the air too. She kic ked over a large black lump on the floor and was relieved to see it was only a small pillow under a shirt, not a dead animal. Lucy pulled off her scarf and gloves, and set them by the window so they wouldn't get lost in the chaos. It was a little cold inside, but it was much warmer than the winter air from her long walk.

"Well this place isn't going to clean itself." Lucy hit small kitchen area first and found the source of the stench coming from the sink. She found a pile of fish scraps Happy had collected and apparently forgotten to throw away before the two left. They had partially decayed and liquefied, and Lucy almost threw up trying to clean it all. That was the worst though, after that she slowly picked up all the trash and cleaned the dishes. It took a gruesome four hours of work to pick up, scrub, sweep, and mop the entire front area of the house. She had an issue with the large bar bell place inconveniently near the front of the door. She tried to move it, but she could barely even roll it. She huffed when she gave up on moving it, and questioned in amazement, "How can Natsu lift this?" It must have weighed five hundred pounds.

She stepped over the insanely heavy weight and grabbed the "Welcome" fish mat she had brought outside to dust. She dropped it back on the floor and walked over to the couches that had previously been shoved apart. She sat down and looked at her handiwork. True, she didn't know what to do with half of the random things scattered around the room, but she thought she did a pretty good job. She took a short break as she looked at the massive number of requests pasted on the walls. She smiled at his note still stuck on the wall that said, "The quest I performed with Lucy for the first time!" Soon enough she picked herself up and gathered his laundry into a large bag she found lying around. She noticed the door at the end of the room and thought she should check before she went to the laundromat.

The door opened to reveal a short hallway, the bathroom was off to the left, and there were two closed doors at the opposite end of the hall. She went into the bathroom which was surprisingly clean. There were a couple garments lying around, but the floors and counter were relatively tidy. To be thorough, she mopped the bathroom, wiped down the surfaces, and closed the door behind her on the way out. As she shut the door she stared at the other ones in the hall. Lucy couldn't recall ever going in the very last one. The first room had more souvenirs from the missions Natsu and Happy had been on, but she didn't know about the other. She couldn't remember Natsu saying anything either. She went to open the door but it was locked.

The only thing that meant was that now she had to see what was behind the door. She remembered seeing an odd looking key in a flower pot when she was cleaning, so she rushed off to grab it. She hesitated as she put the key up to the lock. This was a major breach of privacy, but it was Natsu, what could he possibly have to hide right? Besides he frequently read her diary.

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