Kiss me

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“Oh my god.”


“That’s him. That’s the one guy who wouldn’t stop hitting on me last night.” She pointed towards a tall man wearing khaki pants and a plaid button down that was just entering the cafe. He hadn’t noticed them yet, too busy typing something on his ridiculously large smart phone. Natsu scowled before turning back to a disgusted Lucy.

“He’s the one from that frat party? I told you not to go to that stupid thing. You could’ve stayed and hung out with me, the coolest guy ever, but no, you decided to be all hip and cool and go to some ridiculous function with a bunch of frat boys--”

“God. I need you to kiss me. Kiss me now.”

“W-what?” Natsu’s voice shook, just like his world as Lucy snatched both of his clammy hands, all bravado fading away. Her gaze was intense and panicked as she stared up at him.

“I need you to kiss me.” Natsu was about to ask her to explain, but she beat him to it as she leaned in closer, whispering against his ear, “I told him I had a boyfriend and that was what finally made him go away. Please, Natsu. You’re my best friend, c’mon. You shouldn’t be so hesitant to help me out with something like this.” Lucy’s usually cool, calm, and collected voice was now rushed and filled with haste as she took deep breaths.

Natsu wasn’t sure what had led up to this. Maybe if he had forced her to study with him, she wouldn’t be asking him to kiss her. Maybe if he was just a little more assertive when it came to Lucy, he wouldn’t want to please her all the time and she wouldn’t be standing there with her lips awaiting. Maybe if Natsu had decided to skip their usual lunch together and actually go to that football game Gray invited him to, he wouldn’t be on the verge of pissing himself.

“I’m sorry, Lucy, b-but I c-can’t--”

“Yeah, right! --oh shoot, he’s coming this way. Quick, quick!” Lucy puckered her lips then, squeezing her eyes tight, just wanting to get this over with. She was not going to have that creep find out she was lying and stalk her again.

When she opened her eyes and realized that Natsu was frozen like a deer in headlights, she groaned, rolling her eyes. Natsu was quick to protest more.

“Lucy, I-I can’t just kiss you...I mean, isn’t this your first kiss? I don’t want to steal it, and I’m pretty sure my lips are dr--”

She cut him off by planting a sweet kiss on his lips.

Her soft and smooth lips felt just the way Natsu had always imagined them to be. They moved against his still ones so perfectly, he was sure that this probably wasn’t her first kiss despite her having told him countless times that she hasn’t had one yet.

They tasted just like he thought too. Sweet, like vanilla.

Just as Natsu was about to melt into the kiss and provide her just the same amount of passion, she pulled away, leaving a breathless, and pink-faced Natsu in her wake.

His eyes had stayed open the whole time.

He was still watching her incredulously as she peeked over his shoulder slyly. Her eyes scanned the quaint university cafe thoroughly before her relieved gaze met his. “He’s gone. I can’t believe how close that was…”

Lucy went on about how thankful she was that Natsu had been there and other stuff he didn’t quite catch. He was too busy revelling in the tingling sensation that lingered on his lips.

It was like everything was moving in slow motion as Lucy spoke to him graciously. Her lips moved, but no words were coming out of her mouth. All he heard was the thumping of his heart against his chest, the rhythm of his pulse, and the heavy breaths escaping through his parted lips.

All of a sudden, all he knew was Lucy.

“Thank you, again. If it wasn’t for you being here, I’m sure he would’ve tried chatting me up again. God, I don’t think I could handle anymore of his privacy invasion. And your lips weren’t dry at all actually,” Lucy laughed softly, which finally brought Natsu from his Lucy induced reverie, “They were really soft. Like super smooth. I’m impressed. I wouldn’t mind if you kissed me more often.” She joked, no trace of seriousness in her tone at all.

But Natsu still took her seriously.

Lucy turned after her little spiel to go grab a table for them both in the small and intimate cafe but Natsu’s hand dashed out to grab hers. He didn’t really know what he was doing when his hand reached out for hers, but as Lucy’s brown and confused gaze met his, he remembered instantly.

“What? Did you forget your wallet or something?”

“No, I just-”

“Well, even if you did, I wouldn’t mind paying for you.”

“Oh, uh, thanks. But that wasn’t what--”

“You’re welcome. I’m a pretty rad and generous best friend though so this shouldn’t be surpr-”

It was Natsu’s turn then to be the one who was impatient.

He cut her off immediately, pining after the sensation of her lips on his. She tasted even sweeter than the last time.

His heart was beating so loudly in his chest that it distracted him wholly from the world around him.

Everything was just...Lucy.

The cafe.

The university.

The air.

The sun.

The world.

All he felt as his instincts took over, his lips dance against her frozen ones in a sensual dance, every emotion he’s ever hid from her was finally pouring out of him like a waterfall. And Lucy was drowning in it.

She was breathless as she pushed him away gently and hesitantly. She needed to breathe. “Natsu, what was that for?” Not that she was complaining or anything. That kiss was good.

His response came out rushed and hurried, as if he was waiting for their next kiss. “You said you wanted me to kiss you more.” He was bouncing on the balls of his feet now, a new found energy surging through his veins as he admired Lucy’s blushing face. She was about to reply when he cut her off with a point to his now swollen lips. “Still soft?” His voice held childlike delight, despite having given Lucy one of the most insane, intimate sensations she’s ever felt just a few minutes prior.

Lucy felt flustered as she was at a loss for words, a sudden sense of gratitude overwhelming her as she remembered that it was Tuesday and there was barely anyone in the cafe. She looked away from his intense stare, trying to answer his question without having her voice waver. How had he kissed her so passionately like that? Did passion like that even exist?

“I mean…” She could almost feel the anticipation radiating off of the man who took her first kiss. She glanced back up at him shyly, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of his signature smile, the one she has seen, caused, missed, and yearned for countless of times. She answered effortlessly then.

“Yeah.” She took a step forward, a sudden burst of confidence controlling her as she brought a hand to his face, running the pad of her thumb across the lips she had just kissed. He blushed which made her giggle. Lucy got onto the tip of her toes as she looked into the eyes of her best friend, the one who made time stop and accelerate, the boy who had always made her heart go into overdrive. She placed a soft kiss on his lips before smiling softly, mirroring his expression as she rested her forehead against his, “Still soft.”

Maybe it was a good idea he didn’t skip out on their lunch that day.

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